Home Top News Women’s Champions League: FC Barcelona Women’s Chelsea FC – Champions League (Women) – Football

Women’s Champions League: FC Barcelona Women’s Chelsea FC – Champions League (Women) – Football

Women’s Champions League: FC Barcelona Women’s Chelsea FC – Champions League (Women) – Football

There were almost 30 years Chelsea Football Club Girls Worked towards this climax. And then in the finals Women’s Champions League Against FC Barcelona completed 33 seconds – and the ball was in the English net for the first time. He was promoted there by a German national player: Melanie Leupoles had an early Barிலைa lead own goal after the League Martens had previously hit the crossbar.

After that he went on looking forward Conflict Leopolds in Gothenburg and Chelsea Nothing else. Eventually there was a 0: 4 (0: 4) defeat, which was sealed in the first half. Barcelona won the trophy for the first time in the club’s history, most recently the Olympic Lyon five times in a row.

Tough fails twice

After 0-1, Chelsea tried to give a quick response. Bernille Harder, who had a registration fee of 350,000 euros last summer VFL Wolfsburg switched to the best English club, initially missing Barca Cole (3rd) and then failing in another hopeful attempt on goalkeeper Sandra Banos (9th).

In parallel to the attempted attacks, the British lost all order in security operations. When Jennifer Hermoso broke into the penalty area in the 13th minute, only Lyoupols knew what to do with a wrong turn – Alexia Butellos converted the penalty 2-0.

Alexia also shines as a producer

And Barcelona was consistent. Chelsea tried again and again to increase the pressure, but the defensive switch game was bad after losing the ball. In the 20th minute, Alexia won again, then sent Aitana Ponmati vertically, who kept his ground strong and fair – and pushed the ball past German Chelsea goalkeeper An-Katherine Berger into the top right corner.

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Berger immediately called their crowd in front of them and explained with numerous gestures that the Barca players would have to be very seriously disturbed in their enrollment game. It did not help.

Martens did not stop

Fifteen minutes after the 3-0 victory, the High Martens won again, coming to the left with a base and setting up the ball throughout – Caroline Graham Hansen had to hold her feet 4-0 in the sixth. Yard box. For Lyubols, the tumultuous evening soon ended: Chelsea-coach Emma Hayes Half the time she was replaced and replaced.

Where the difference was that evening, it was clear a few seconds before 0: 4. Sandra Banos left her goal with little confidence that Samantha Kerr could have brought Chelsea back to the top, but missed the empty case with her lifter.

Graduation is hard without luck

Compared to this exciting first half, the second round was much shorter. Chelsea presented themselves in the hope that this decision could no longer be reversed, were very consistent and now took the duel around their own penalty area.

In the end, the London women were unfortunate. Kerr failed as soon as he was restarted from the promising position, then Harder missed an excellent chance to lead the ball early (60th) and then missed a volleyball shot (68th).

The morale in Chelsea was also right

Blues’ attitude was remarkable until the final whistle. Despite the increasingly hopeless situation, they launched an attack after the next attack. Barcelona went on to manage the lead in the last 20 minutes. But that didn’t turn out to be a deserving victory in the PM class, with the Barca players celebrating at the stand just minutes before the final whistle.

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List of Champions League and UEFA Women’s Cup winners


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