Home science With the fear of the epidemic resuming, ARS releases a new version

With the fear of the epidemic resuming, ARS releases a new version

With the fear of the epidemic resuming, ARS releases a new version

A very active epidemic in 2021 with a significant increase in its severe forms. The ARS expects the dengue virus to resume in the coming weeks. It is launching a new prevention campaign.

30,000 confirmed cases, in more and more severe forms. In 2021, the dengue fever epidemic was very serious. Serious forms, such as “dengue shock” syndromes, ophthalmic manifestations, and myocarditis are increasing for the first time on the island. And 21 people have died from the disease since the beginning of the year.

He added that “the prevalence of dengue fever is higher than in previous years and continued during the southern winter, which raised fears of a return of the epidemic in the coming weeks.”

Regional Health Agency of Réunion

Active traffic in 13 cities

As of December 14, 13 municipalities have been affected by the outbreak of the dengue virus: Saint-Pierre, Saint-Denis, Le Port, Le Tambon, Saint Mary, Saint Paul, Saint Louis, Saint Joseph and Saint Suzanne. and La Possession, Etang Salé, Saint-Leu, and Petite Ile.

Vector control measures continued into 2021, with more than 10,000 intervention areas and more than 86,000 homes visited. In total, nearly 200 workers were mobilized for these treatments.

Fear of the return of the epidemic

With the pandemic fearing a resumption with the Australian summer, the regional health agency is launching a new campaign on December 20. It aims to remind the population of the most effective means of protection:

  • Use insect repellent
  • Remove standing water from mosquito breeding areas in the home
  • Installing mosquito nets over beds and cots, and on windows and doors
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