Home entertainment What will Papa say? Eminem’s daughter is super sexy on the boat

What will Papa say? Eminem’s daughter is super sexy on the boat

What will Papa say?  Eminem’s daughter is super sexy on the boat

Hailie Jade Scott, daughter of Eminem, shows her sexy side on Instagram (again). Your fans love it.

Detroit (USA) – Attract everyone’s attention: it has these characteristics Hailey Good Scott (25) Apparently from her father, a rapper Eminem (48) Inherited. On Instagram, she takes over 2 million followers (again).

Hailie Jade Scott (25 years old) loves to share snaps with her fans on Instagram.

Hailie Jade Scott (25 years old) loves to share snaps with her fans on Instagram. © Screenshot / Instagram / hailiejade

The reason for this is two vacation shots where the 25-year-old is cheerfully standing on a boat with a skin-tight bikini and stylish sunglasses.

Hayley appropriately writes: “Yes, Captain.” Fans reward the post with nearly 200,000 likes and shower the Eminem subsidiary with compliments. Here is a small group:

  • “You look beautiful, Hailey.”
  • “I need a boating day now”
  • “Wow! I love your look!”
  • “Perfection”
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However, some of Hailie’s followers can’t help but make sharp remarks about a possible reaction from their famous father. One joke, “Anyone who says it’s sexy, I hope you’re well prepared for Eminem’s offense.” Another says, “My best caption is: ‘I’m Eminem’s daughter’.”

Apparently, the young American knows exactly how to put herself in the spotlight in order to score points with her followers.

When the ex-student isn’t posting revealing photos, she shows up with boyfriend Evan McClintock every now and then. Recently, Hailie surprised on Instagram With a nice couple picture.

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