Home Economy Wall Street Counting on Recovery: Coronavirus Breath Test Scheme Inspires Astrotec

Wall Street Counting on Recovery: Coronavirus Breath Test Scheme Inspires Astrotec

Wall Street Counting on Recovery: Coronavirus Breath Test Scheme Inspires Astrotec

Wall Street depends on recovery
Aura Breath Test Scheme inspires Astrotec

The recent US economic data is encouraging. The new Corona test also spreads hope, just like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s tax plans. As for crude oil, gold and bitcoin, things are going badly on Wall Street.

Investors are holding off Wall Street awaiting hints of US monetary policy. The Dow Jones index of US value traded slightly on Wednesday evening at 33,446 points, while the S&P 500 index closed trading 0.1 percent. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 0.1 percent.

Investors are eagerly awaiting the release of the Fed meeting minutes of the latest Fed deliberations, analyst Ricardo Evangelista of brokerage firm ActivTrades said. “These minutes are carefully combing for clues about whether the Federal Reserve believes it won’t raise interest rates until at least 2024.” Finally, the latest US economic data indicated that the world’s largest economy is recovering faster than expected.

Aura Breath Test Scheme inspires Astrotec

AstroTech 1,81

American stocks emerged AstroTech With an increase in prices sometimes approaching 40 percent. In collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, the medical technology company wants to test whether the BreathTest-1000, which detects cancer by analyzing test subjects’ breaths, can also identify corona infection.

Investors also tore up the papers Fleet XLThat increased in price by about 30 percent at its peak. The specialist in commercial vehicle electrification is to equip Apex Clean Energy to develop wind and solar energy with hybrid vehicles.

The Amazon share Gained 1.7 percent. The head of the internet giant, Jeff Bezos, has endorsed the infrastructure program announced by US President Biden – as well as the planned increase in corporate tax from 21 to 28 percent for funding. Amazon has been under fire for years because the group pays little or no taxes.

Standard & Poor's 500
Standard & Poor’s 500 4.079,70

The cruise line numbers turned out to be positive Carnival (+1.4 percent) The company reported a higher than expected loss, but burned less money than expected.

Repetition drugs By about 23 percent. The genetic engineering expert wants to raise capital. The funds will be used, among other things, to fund clinical testing and expand production capabilities.

Beyond the meat It decreased 2.7 percent. Plans to build a production facility in China were unsuccessful.

Oil prices are declining, and gold is also under pressure

In the crude oil market, economic optimism was limited. US variety West Texas Intermediate It fell half a percent to $ 59 a barrel (159 liters). John Kilduff, partner in investment advisor Agene Capital, said the sudden rise in US gasoline inventories overshadowed the drop in crude oil. This indicates the difficulty of forecasting the outlook for energy demand.

Go It was also under selling pressure, losing 0.2 percent to $ 1,740 an ounce (31.1 grams). Apparently, some investors have shifted their capital due to the ongoing stock boom, said Commerzbank analyst Carsten Fritsch. Against this backdrop, shares of gold miners Barrick, Gold Fields, AngloGold Ashanti, Sibanye Stillwater and Harmony fell as much as 3.3%.

At the same time, profit taking led to lower price Bitcoin To its lowest value in more than a week. The oldest and most important electronic currency has fallen at times by about five percent, to $ 55,600. Given the rally in the past few months, the current reinforcement is not surprising, said analyst Timo Emden of Emden Research. In the past six months, the price of Bitcoin has more than five times.

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