Vienna: Climate stickers stuck by the police in Austria and then angry

Vienna: Climate stickers stuck by the police in Austria and then angry

He gave it up voluntarily

“Last Generation” protest in Vienna

Police in Vienna used a new tactic during a protest action by the so-called “last generation” and quietly let climate stickers stick up, angering activists.

Vienna Climate activists in Austria’s capital Vienna might not have expected it, and the police in charge calmly responded to their sticker protest. Four members of the “Last Generation” protest group hung themselves from a bridge of signs above the capital’s motorway. Since they posed no danger, the emergency services simply attached them to the Prater Bridge. After seven hours of protest, the last of them surrendered voluntarily.

A little curiosity: activists demanded a top speed of 100 kilometers per hour on the bridge over Vienna’s A23. However, on the highway there, the speed is limited to 80 km / h anyway. After the protest began at 8 a.m., the activists first tweeted their grievances shortly before 11 a.m. He reads that the police intentionally left people behind.

Officials took the order calmly and responded at 12:24pm on Twitter: “Colleagues (including trained paramedics) remain on site. If you cannot free yourself, EAH iSd will of course meet us until the responsible rescue service arrives. §19 SPG.”



However, it could have been resolved independently, and so it took until 3pm for the last activist to voluntarily vacate the bridge after seven hours of protest. The protesters sustained minor injuries to their hands when they freed themselves. It will be interesting to see if the officials’ calmness deters potential copycats in the future.



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