According to her own statements, the Ukrainian army owns the Russian army The opponents pushed back more than a kilometer in several sectors of the front. Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malgar told Telegram on Thursday that the initiative is currently on the Ukrainian side, especially in the area around the Russian-controlled city of Pakhmut in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region.
It specifically mentioned the advance towards the villages of Klishchevka and Kordyomyvka, southwest of the destroyed city. Denis Yaroslavsky, commander of the Army’s 57th Brigade, also said in an interview with Radio Svoboda that the United Armed Forces are effectively controlling Klichchevka.
The capture of Klishchyivka and Berkhivka was a prerequisite for the Ukrainian forces to be able to surround Bakhmut.
Ukrainians are currently establishing themselves in new positions. The enemy is pulling up its reserves and clinging to Bakhmut with all its mightconfirmed. The Russian army seems to be responding by transferring soldiers from other sectors of the front.
Pakhmut is already being controlled from the air by the Armed Forces of UkraineYaroslavsky said. “The occupiers are withdrawing from the streets of the north.”
Information provided by the warring parties cannot be directly and independently verified. The Russians invaded Bashmut in May with heavy losses after months of fierce fighting. (tsp, dabba)