These dishes are especially dangerous for men

These dishes are especially dangerous for men
  • Colorectal cancer: regression
  • Basis Stady
  • Results
  • This is how you can reduce your risk of colon cancer scale down
  • conclusion

Colon cancer is found in Germany more men affected as women. There are a number of things that are known risk factorswhich can be avoided to reduce the risk of disease. That is why it is so popular because of its quick setting Ready Meals Come back, we’ll tell you.

Things to know about colon cancer

Colon cancer is one of them Most common cancers. It is destined to be preserved in Germany alone About 58,100 people annually Diagnosed with colon cancer, it included about 33,100 men and about 25,000 women.

In the last years The incidence of colorectal cancer has decreased sharply; for this reason. German Cancer Research Center. The reason for this is the screening test offered by statutory health insurance companies since 2002, which can be used to identify colon cancer and its early stages.

Basically, reasons colon cancer development It has not yet been fully explained also. However, it is known that Several factors Responsible for the excessive proliferation of cells in the intestinal mucosa. Cancer can develop as a result of uncontrolled cell growth. Known risk factors Male, age, family or genetic background, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, unhealthy lifestyle and diet. For example, people who consume a lot of fat and red meat, are overweight or consume little fiber, fruits and vegetables have an increased risk of colon cancer.

Study basics

A research team from Tufts University and Harvard University in Massachusetts focused on nutrition-related risk factors. in a study They dealt with the question of how Ready Meals affect the risk of colon cancer. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s canned soup, frozen pizza or canned ravioli: the choice of ready meals is not only huge, but also popular.

It has already been proven that unilateral dieting through ready meals It can lead to obesity and risks such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It has now also been found that these foods can significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. In men up to 30 per cent.

Study depends on observational studiesthat spanned 25 years. In total, it has been performed with more than 46,000 men and 160,000 women. participants became every four years He was asked about their illnesses and personal dietary habits. Particular attention was paid to the consumption of about 130 types of special foods. The researchers divided these into categories. Special focus was on Densely processed foodsthat contain chemicals, additives or sweeteners. This includes finished products, desserts, snacks or ready-made baked goods.

Study results and risk reduction

What was so amazing especially men It mostly survives on ultra-processed foods. While women with similar eating habits consumed an average of 8.4 foods in this category, men consumed On average 9.3. This note gained prominence in the evaluation: because those men who had eaten many highly processed products had eaten them 29% increased risk of colorectal cancer From those who rarely or never use such products.

For women it was one 17% difference Among those who ate few processed foods and those who ate them daily or frequently. The study’s lead author, Lu Wang, raises products with them Processed meat as a very strong risk factor Outside. Fall under For example sausageAnd bacon, pork and meatballs. The reason why processed foods increase the risk of colon cancer fits with previous research: They are low in fiber, high in sugar and boost the risk factor for obesity.

Basically, to reduce the risk of colon cancer, a healthy lifestyle recommended. This includes, among others, adequate physical exercise, normal body weight, non-smoking and eating habits that contain fibrous and starchy foods such as potatoes, grain products, vegetables, fresh fruits and little fat. Many vitamins and minerals are absorbed through fruits and vegetables.


In summary, it should be noted that the study presented is a purely observational study. On the contrary, this means that although anomalies can be identified, they cannot be justified or proven causally. Moreover, there is still one Many other risk factorswhich is ignored here.

Finally, there is no doubt that the final products are highly industrially processed and usually contain a lot of sugar, fat and salt, but only a few vitamins and fiber. So for the overall health of the gut, the The consumption of these foods is strictly restricted It mainly depends on fresh food.


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