Home Top News The police brutally arrest a crazy woman – her arm is broken

The police brutally arrest a crazy woman – her arm is broken

The police brutally arrest a crazy woman – her arm is broken

A woman with dementia forgets to pay in the supermarket. The police arrested the elderly woman and seriously injured her. The arrest video sparked a lot of discussion in the United States.

73-year-old Karen Garner suffers from mental illness. While shopping, the Colorado American forgot to pay for her merchandise for $ 13 (about € 10.70).

As a result, the police stopped and arrested her on the way home. Camera recordings of police officers’ corpses show how Garner was thrown to the ground, visibly surprised, and handcuffed. She asked several times to be treated more carefully. She pleads, “Don’t shoot, I’m disabled.”

You can see the controversial arrest Here Or in the video above.

Use makes dementia worse

The elderly woman’s family announced that they had a broken arm and dislocated one shoulder during the operation. Your dementia has also worsened dramatically. Accordingly, the 73-year-old, who is currently still in hospital, is no longer talking to anyone. according to “Denver After “his lawyer is already running.”

In the United States of America The recordings caused a sensation. Police officers are accused of excessive use and increased brutality.

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