The most powerful solar storm in years – the US NOAA agency underestimated the effects on Earth

The most powerful solar storm in years – the US NOAA agency underestimated the effects on Earth
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iPhone: Theresa Toth

Solar storms can have catastrophic consequences for Earth. Weather experts greatly underestimated the size of the latest storm.

Kassel – Earth has been hit by the strongest solar storm in nearly six years. In addition to the colored aurora lights, which can be caused by storms, dangerous effects on Earth are also possible. However, because the space weather experts did not see the size of the coming storm, they only issued a warning after the weather phenomenon had begun.

Powerful Solar Storm Hits Earth: The phenomenon was barely visible at first

“There is a geomagnetic storm warning in effect March 23-25, 2023,” NOAA’s National Space Weather Service wrote first on March 22, forecasting a moderate-sized storm on March 24 G2. So meteorologists had it on their radar that there was going to be a solar storm, but they didn’t know how strong it would finally be.

It was only on March 24 that NOAA lifted the G4 severe storm warning after it became increasingly violent. Versus American Magazine Online American space weather expert Tametha Skoff explained that the storm was of a special type that could barely be seen and started much slower than other solar storms – which is why experts are so wrong when predicting the latest solar storm.

A solar storm hits the Earth: You are responsible for the formation of the northern lights

Solar storms occur when charged particles sent off by the Sun as the solar wind do not move as usual, but instead become exponentially stronger and develop into storms, according to the Max Planck Institute for Solar Research (MPS). Thus, the radiation and particles that are produced during such an explosion move through space and can collide with the Earth.

Satellite footage shows a solar storm at the center of the sun.
Satellite footage shows a solar storm at the center of the sun. © NASA / GSFC / SDO / dpa

Solar storms are capable of creating the aurora borealis. Because of the recent storm, the lights can be admired in northern Europe, Great Britain, Canada and the USA in the last few nights. In the United States they are said to have been seen as far south as Arizona. But storms can also have devastating consequences.

Consequences of solar storms: Possible power outages

While storms are unlikely to be noticed on the ground, according to MPS, there have been disruptions to electrical equipment and power grid failures in the past. how weather channel Around October 2003, the lights went out in the Swedish city of Malmö for an hour as a result of a solar storm and the Japan Space Agency lost contact with two of its satellites.

Joachim Wesch, physicist at MPS, also cautioned Build: “As our world becomes more technological, damage can occur in the upper billion range: communications satellites can fail, power grids on Earth can be hit and also malfunction on a large scale.”

In addition to solar storms, fantastic phenomena can be observed in space again and again. Like a faint glow We call the researcher “ghost of light”.. (rrrr)


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