Stripper hits ex with axe – triple skull fracture | News

Stripper hits ex with axe – triple skull fracture |  News

He was a trademark in Britain, made a lot of money with the stripper band Dreamboys, which he founded. But then David Richards (42) went crazy and wanted to kill his ex-wife with an axe. Now the Briton has been found dead in his cell.

Review, April 2022: Alex Adam (32), who kicks him out of the shared house, is ambushed by the Dreamboys’ manager, in the woods for five hours. While she was walking the dogs, the ex-boxer crazily beat the woman with an axe. She manages to free herself, runs home with serious injuries and calls the police.

“I’m dying, he killed me”

Reason for brutal attack: Adam had an affair with Kirk Norcross (34), a British reality TV star. The model wrote him a letter with her last strength: “I’m dying, he killed me. Please bring my children, he will take care of us. The victim survived, suffering a triple fracture of the skull, and the wounds had to be sutured with 100 stitches.

The process, which has received a lot of attention in Great Britain, began in November last year. It turns out that the stripper had abused and cheated on his wife for years. The judge described the accused, who was arrested at his mother’s house, as a “freak”.

It is fortified with a kitchen knife

Alex Adam testified against her executioner, describing how she barricaded herself in the bedroom with a kitchen knife. Kirk Norcross also spoke in court. He told how his girlfriend called him on a video call, clutching a bloody knife.

David Richards was sentenced to 27 years in prison and imprisoned in Lloydham Prison with around 900 other negatives.

On Monday, guards found the body of an ax attacker in his cell. An autopsy will be done.

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