Sanctions of up to 60,000 euros: Spain wants to punish food waste

Sanctions of up to 60,000 euros: Spain wants to punish food waste

Penalties of up to 60,000 euros
Spain wants to punish food waste

1.4 million tons of food are discarded in Spain each year. In order to reduce waste, the government now wants to criminalize the production of avoidable waste. Companies may then face fees of up to €60,000.

Spain wants to criminalize food waste. At a cabinet meeting, the left-leaning government approved a bill providing for fines of between 2,000 and 60,000 euros for all companies in the production and distribution chain that produce avoidable food waste. The law is due to be presented to Parliament in Madrid in the next few days, and will enter into force at the beginning of 2023 according to the government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Luis Planas highlighted the “leadership” in the European Union’s Food Loss and Waste Prevention Act. Only France and Italy have similar rules. He stressed that since there is currently a possibility of a food crisis, it is now necessary to talk about global food production. According to the ministry, 1.36 million tons of food is thrown away in Spain every year. That’s about 30 kilograms worth 250 euros per person.

By law, restaurants and bars must offer guests free “comic bags” so they can take home food they haven’t eaten. Big food companies should make plans to reduce waste. Major stores are urged to cut prices as the sale date approaches. Food donations to food banks and other support groups should also be better organized.


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