Review of Obi-Wan Canobi: The Jedi Master Returns

Review of Obi-Wan Canobi: The Jedi Master Returns

Even Star Wars fans who are unfamiliar with the prequel trilogy seldom agree that Ivan McGregor’s portrayal of Obi-Wan Canopy is one of the best features of the three films. Accordingly, the actor’s own mini-series was well received. Chapter III And IV Requirements. However, the miniseries is now being celebrated Obi-Wan Kenobi Screened on Disney + with two episodes to begin with.

The action of the series begins ten years after the events of the preface. Emperor and Darth Vader rule the galaxy, while their investigators hunt down the rest of the Jedi. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, watches Luke Skywalker from a distance and continues to live in Tatooin. The former Jedi master has closed his past. Obi-Wan becomes someone who no longer wants to fight, and he clarifies the arrival of the remaining Jedi. The fact that he is still reclaiming LightSafe is due to the development of the planet Alderon.

Young Princess Leah

Inside that Leah Obi-Wan Van A key role was previously kept secret and was one of the first surprises that the producers succeeded. Starring Vivian Lyra Blair, Leah is portrayed as a ten-year-old girl with a strong will who is somehow tempted to fall in love with her. The creators of the first chapter bearing the simple name of “Part 1” did not forget to shed light on their family life. The relationship between Leah and her foster father, Bailey Arcana, is captivating and has the benefit of reuniting with actor Jimmy Smith.

Thanks to the power games of Reva Seventh or the Third Sister, Arganas is set to return to the OP-VAN side after Leah’s abduction. Ten years later, she has not given up the hunt for OP-Van, and continues her campaign against the wishes of the first investigator. I have to say that Reva Sevander is still one of the weak points of the series in at least the first two episodes. This is mainly due to the very clichd portrayal of the cartoonish evil character. In the remaining episodes the creators will shed a little more light on their frantic drive to get their hands on OP-Von. However, so far, this figure is still equal.

Quick recovery

After the abduction in the first episode, anyone who believes that the teachers are now sending OP-Van to the long search for Leah will soon be taught otherwise. In fact, the Jedi discovered the young princess before Episode 2 (or “Part 2”), and a confrontation ensues. After all of Lea’s messages for Obi-Wan have been heard, the purists will call for a break from the canon here. Chapter IV Not after the two actually met. One can explain this with the fact that Obi-Wan never told her his name, so Leah never added 1: 1.

For those who do not notice this creative result, some entertaining scenes between Leah and Obi-Wan are conducted. Vivian Lyra Blair and Evan McGregor have good chemistry skills, and the scene where Obi-Wan recognizes Leah’s mother in her behavior is one of the emotional highlights. However, in this area it is not yet peaked. So, the creators finally saved the moment when Obi-Wan found out that Anakin Skywalker was still alive. Here, too, the creators are able to create some goosebumps. It will be exciting now to see where the journey takes us in terms of content. While “Part 1” still seems to focus on saving Leah, there are now some indications that Obi-Wan may seek to confront Anakin again. Maybe he wants to convince his alumnus to turn to the good side of power.

Well known show values ​​of the Star Wars series

Absolutely moving vision Obi-Wan Kenobi Back to Disney + and Lucasfilm usage Montalorian Have established. There is a lot of action from the digital background, which is a bit noticeable, especially in the tattoo scenes. In contrast, the planet Daiyu is beautiful again, but the visual values ​​here were low due to the clean city design. Daiyu looks like a typical cyberpunk planet.

In terms of action, there is room for some more improvement. If you were expecting light saber fights or something like that, you will be disappointed early on in the first two episodes. So far, Obi-Wan has relied heavily on his fists, fully inserting the lighthouse. So the action scenes are no better. The fight on the roof in the second episode was also disappointing. In the end, fights with laser guns are very rarely exciting, and after all, as a spectator you only see strips of light back and forth on the screen. Producers are welcome to add a few more spades in upcoming chapters.


Obi-Wan Kenobi The beginning is convincing by two entertaining episodes. The return of Evan McGregor is not only fun, but the amazing big look of little Leah also offers a lot of entertainment. While the opponent is still not convinced, there are some emotional moments. This also applies to action scenes, which have the potential for further improvement.


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