Home Economy Premium Aerotech: Premium Aerotech Factory remains in Augsburg: Söder praises Airbus

Premium Aerotech: Premium Aerotech Factory remains in Augsburg: Söder praises Airbus

Premium Aerotech: Premium Aerotech Factory remains in Augsburg: Söder praises Airbus

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has welcomed Airbus’ decision not to sell the Premium Aerotech’s Augsburg plant.

After the long-awaited sale of Premium Aerotec’s Airline Aerotec plant in Augsburg expires, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder has spoken. The CSU politician told our newspaper on Thursday: “The fact that the Augsburg Premium Aerotec site will remain in the Airbus group is very good news for all employees, for Augsburg as a commercial site and for all of Bavaria.” The current situation in particular illustrates the importance of strategic technical know-how.

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