“Police Call 110” from Munich: Bessie – Urgent Need

“Police Call 110” from Munich: Bessie – Urgent Need

“Police Call 110” from Munich
Bessie – Urgently needed

By Ingo Skill

Chief Analyst Elizabeth Ichhoff (Verena Altenberger) has settled five lawsuits so far, giving the Matthias brand sister Hans von Mஃfels a convincing heir. Slowly, however, Bessie’s figure can be made with some definition.

It’s been three and a half years since it started. “The Habitat of the Clouds” Verina Aldenberger, in the role of Elizabeth Ikaff, also known as Bessie, took on such an easy successor to Hans von Mஃfels (Matthias Brand) and bravely carried it on her shoulders. “Chipmunks with Depth”, which is what we titled, gave it a 9 out of 10 rating and certified a “brilliant premiere” for “Please Continue at This Quality”.

“The Lies We Call the Future” continued boldly, paying homage to the classic “Zafrisky Point” of the 70s, with this “Crazy Trip” being rated 8 out of 10 points for “adventurers and cinemas”. “It could have been a little more speedy, a” police call “from Minga, but otherwise it would have been okay” was the result of last year’s four-paw trunk “Frau Schrங்கdinger’s cat” and maintained a “pessy and old” pie “level, 9 out of 10 points. Our rating.

Now? Well, that’s a good question. “Light of the Dead”, whatever the title, is meanwhile losing momentum around Eyckhoff’s personality. Her special sympathy has already been mentioned in the first case, and this time because of her sympathy, the impartial focus on the people to gradually unravel the case of the murdered teenage girls. Long conversations, warmth that allows for peace, are all undeniable qualities in the good Pesci’s portfolio.

Questions upon questions

But what else is she doing? Is there a cat or dog? Does she like red wine or white wine? What kind of pictures are hanging in your booth, is there a record player standing around, is there a TV, is a boyfriend resting on the sheets? Roughly speaking, there is nothing more empathetic and open-eared than this, as Verina Altenberger gives Commissioner Ikaff such a human form. Didn’t even have a sibling in the first episode? Where did he go? Does she have a best friend, what does her parents do, and where does she actually eat curry leaves? Or is she a vegetarian? Questions upon questions. At least we know she wants a quick beer or two.

Sebastian Brownies and Roderick Warich, who did not express much in the screenplay for “The Light That The Dead Sea”, were not interested in Bessie’s background, but reduced it to a kind of theatrical template. Usually, the figures in the case are coded, yes, generated as outlines. The mother (Anna Crispack) is a gas station drinker, and Stephanie (Zoe Walks) and Patrick (Aniol Kirberg) talk about themselves more than the real protagonists, as Dennis Eden is a beautiful, weird co-worker at their Messi booth. This mobile phone trick, which Eyckhoff finally brings to the settlement of the case, seems to have been structured, jazzled up in a longer montage for a logic plot. That being said, after four big events, there is a King on the curve to deal with, and the next task may be progressing as a couple more details on the good (imaginary) life are worth telling. Bessie. That would be nice.


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