Planning a common EU strategy: Weser plans refugee transformation | Policy

Planning a common EU strategy: Weser plans refugee transformation |  Policy

Europe listens twice: German Social Democratic Interior Minister Nancy Weser (52, photo) on Friday spoke for the first time about “high fences and walls” as part of the EU’s exclusion protection!

Fences!? “Walls”!? In addition: “high”!? Is someone preparing to change course in border and immigration policy? Apparently yes!

BILD KNOW: Faeser and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) want to fundamentally change the asylum system in the European Union – along with countries like France, Austria, Denmark, Spain and Greece! Since this is not currently possible in the EU under the Swedish presidency, the new regulations are being prepared for July, when Spain takes the lead.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, 50, had already mentioned in an interview with BILD that Schulz made sure that EU funds for fences and border walls were released at the EU summit in early February: “He gave us a lot of support – without him it wouldn’t have been.” It worked that way.”

Without radical changes, freedom of movement in the Schengen area will be in jeopardy, Visser said on Friday after meeting colleagues from five other EU countries. Means: There are border controls within the European Union!

According to BILD information, Faeser rejects new border controls at the external borders as in Bavaria for Germany. But: it is possible to expand the Saxon model with more veil searches in the border area!

New voices from Berlin – but experts warn these are just advertisements.

► Head of the German Federal Police Union, Heiko Tegatz (50), to BILD: “Manhunt in the border area will be an excellent means of fighting illegal immigration.” The power to enter illegally into the country prompts people to return to the neighboring EU country immediately after crossing the border.”

“The EU interior ministers are warning of their failure,” says Manfred Weber (50, CSU), head of the EPP group in the EU parliament. . And: “Already at the external borders, those who have a possibility of staying must be classified. Not everyone can enter the European Union. People who do not have a visa or reason for asylum must be sent back directly.

► Domestic CDU politician Alexander Throm (52, CDU) does not go far enough for Weisser: “As long as effective protection of the EU’s external borders is not guaranteed, it is important that Weisser exclude border controls with the Czech Republic and Switzerland.”

► Everything takes time for German municipalities. Reinhard Sager (64), head of the German Cantonal Assembly, told BILD: “We can’t wait for a while, we need tough and effective measures now: the influx must be reduced now, the deportations must now be intensified!”

Saqr continues: “By the summer, immigration numbers will increase, thus increasing the burden on municipalities significantly. This is unacceptable.”


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