Home Top News Olympia 2021 | Mihambo wins gold: “The most important 7 meters of my life”

Olympia 2021 | Mihambo wins gold: “The most important 7 meters of my life”

Olympia 2021 |  Mihambo wins gold: “The most important 7 meters of my life”

Incomprehensible. Malaika Mihambo did it: she lived up to her favorite role and won gold at the Olympics. The long jump world champion then cheered.

This is pure joy: Malaika Mihambo won gold at the Olympics against her rivals. Couldn’t stop it after that. Silver went to American Britney Reese, while bronze went to Nigeria’s Broome.

Mihambo was very happy and grateful in the mixed zone: “It was one of the most exciting long jump finals. It’s the toughest race. And one of the most important 7 meters I have ever jumped in my life.

Mihambo started well

The long jump final began at 10.50am (3.50pm in Germany) Japanese time at 36.5 degrees on Tuesday morning at the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. So all eyes were on German world champion and gold hope Malaika Mihambo. She came into the field with a beam, raised her hands and waved greetings.

Going into the competition as the German’s favorite fifth starter, he set a record in his first jump – 6.83 meters. Then she immediately took notes and was satisfied. After the first round, Mihambo was second. Nigeria’s Broom managed 6.97 meters in the first round. Serbia’s Ivana Spanovic was third with 6.71 meters.

The second jump is even better – the competition pulls

Mihambo scored his second tab even better. She looked relaxed and watched the scene with interest – and 6.95 meters. So she was in second place for now. Spanovic improved his performance to 6.91 meters and Broom managed only 6.61 meters, so his first jump was still calculated.

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Then it was exciting, Mihambo made no progress in the third jump (6.78m), but American Britney Reese pulled her 6.97m, thus the DLV athlete slipped to third and became dissatisfied. He qualified for the eight best long jumpers – but was already under a lot of pressure.

Then Mihambo had to go to the fourth tab. She applauded the athletes and supervisors and then broke up: a misguided attempt. More pressure on the German world champion for the last two jumps. Mihambo broke in the last tab, so she only got a chance for gold or silver in the last tab.

In the last round, Mihambo jumped 7.00 meters. Gold!

Last German long jump Olympic champion Hike Trexler
September 29, 2000 in Sydney. Mihambo was six years old at the time. In qualifying for the finals in Tokyo, Mihambo managed 6.98 meters, his best performance of the season so far. At the 2019 World Championships in Doha, he won by taking the 7.30m distance.


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