Home Top News Nort Stream 2 encountered a provocation. The energy with which the Beltwaz foreign planes and the unknown submarine appeared above the ships

Nort Stream 2 encountered a provocation. The energy with which the Beltwaz foreign planes and the unknown submarine appeared above the ships

Nort Stream 2 encountered a provocation.  The energy with which the Beltwaz foreign planes and the unknown submarine appeared above the ships

Moscow The construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline has been accompanied by provocations by foreign ships and aircraft. This was stated in an interview with Andrzej Mine Interfox, a subsidiary of the Nord Stream 2AG, which is behind the gas pipeline system. The U.S. government, which is trying to prevent it through sanctions, does not like the plan.

The North Stream 2 m of natural gas flows from Russia to Germany at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Minin said the ships working on the project are frequently provoked by foreign civilians and military ships. At the end of this year, an unidentified submarine appeared near the Fortuna shipyard.

Nortstream 2 pipeline route.

Minin also said that in the second half of this year, the number of cases increased when foreign planes plowed less than the ships working on the pipeline. The federation told Reuters it would confirm Minnie’s information.

According to the consortium, the pipeline is 95 percent complete and about 121 kilometers complete.

The United States justifies its negative approach to the gas pipeline with fears that Russia will depend on Europe for gas. Critics of Washington say its goal is to ensure the sale of dramatically liquefied natural gas from the United States to Europe.

The North Stream 2 m to Europe to carry 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas run. Now the submarine Nortstream gas pipeline, operating since 2011, has the same capacity. Gas from the North Stream 2m project can also be used by the Czech Republic, which is connected via the new Eugene gas pipeline.

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The North Stream 2 project is led by the Russian gas company Gosprom, with the key word stt. Funding was provided by the German companies Uniform and Wintershall, and the British-Dutch company Shell, according to the Austrian OMV and the French Engi.


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