Monkeypox: First confirmed case in Germany from Munich

Monkeypox: First confirmed case in Germany from Munich
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On May 19, 2022, the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich unequivocally confirmed the presence of monkeypox virus in a patient in Germany for the first time.
On May 19, 2022, the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich unequivocally confirmed the presence of monkeypox virus in a patient in Germany for the first time. © picture alliance / dpa / Bundeswehr / Martin Bühler / UKHSA (montage)

The Bundeswehr confirmed the first case of monkeypox in Germany in Munich. Health Minister Lauterbach expresses himself directly through an assessment.

Update from May 20, 5:10 PM: More and more cases of monkeypox are becoming known in Europe and the first case has now been officially confirmed in Germany. But how can you? Protection against infection and there is already a vaccine?

Update from May 20, 3:40 PM: According to the Munich Klinik Schwabing, the first patient with monkeypox reported in Germany did relatively well. Chief Medical Officer Clemens Windtner said Friday that the young man “goes to medical care with great responsibility as soon as symptoms appear to protect others from infection.”

With slight difficulties in swallowing and a high temperature, he has only minor symptoms and does not yet need any special medication. Wendtner said a monkeypox patient would stay in the hospital because he was expected to be contagious for three to four weeks. Monkeypox virus usually causes very mild symptoms, but it can also have severe courses. very important It also summarizes information about the pathogen together or together.

Monkeypox: the first patient in Germany to come from Brazil

Update from May 20 at 1:50 pm: The first reported monkeypox patient in Germany was a 26-year-old from Brazil. This was announced by the Bavarian Ministry of Health on Friday. The young man traveled from Portugal through Spain to Germany and stayed in the Bavarian capital for about a week. He had previously visited Dusseldorf and Frankfurt am Main.

subordinate The patient will now be in a ward at the Munich Schwabing Hospital The ministry said she is isolated. The Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich had earlier reported that it had detected the first case of monkeypox in the Federal Republic in a patient on Thursday. More contacts are being identified.

Monkeypox outbreak: WHO likely to call emergency meetings

Update May 20 at 1:24 pm: The World Health Organization may be planning an emergency meeting in the wake of the recent outbreak of monkeypox. This was reported by the British Telegraph. Therefore, a group of senior experts should be invited to the meeting. With the virus unusually common among gay and bisexual men, this could be a major topic of conversation. Therefore vaccination with a specific smallpox vaccine should also be discussed.

Britain also requested a smallpox vaccine. This was reported by the BBC at the request of the British government. The vaccine should be offered to people at high risk of infection. Even if the smallpox vaccine isn’t specifically designed for the monkeypox virus, it should provide some protection—particularly against more serious diseases.

Monkeypox virus confirmed in Germany – Lauterbach comments

Erstmeldung vom 20. May 2022

Munich – Cases are increasing in Europe and North America monkey pox. Now there is a case of monkeypox in Germany. This was reported by the Bundeswehr. As the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology announced on Friday in Munich, the virus was unambiguously detected in a patient on Thursday. The patient showed characteristic skin changes. The institute did not initially provide any other details.

“It is only a matter of time before monkeypox is discovered in Germany,” Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said in Berlin on Friday. Lauterbach assumes that the outbreak can be contained.

Monkeypox: first confirmed case in Germany – infection and symptoms

“Based on the information available so far, we assume that the virus is not easily transmitted and that this outbreak can be contained,” the Minister of Health confirmed. “But this can only work if you act quickly.” The virus is now being closely analyzed and it is being investigated whether it could be a more contagious variant.

According to health authorities, the virus usually causes only mild symptoms, but it can also have severe courses. In individual cases, fatal diseases are possible. The virus is primarily transmitted by direct contact or contact with contaminated materials, and it can also be transmitted via droplets in the air over shorter distances – which is likely rare.

Epidemiologist Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia argues that diseases are unlikely to be fatal in Western countries. But he told the announcer that this is not impossible BBC. Monkeypox is especially dangerous to a group.

The West African variant virus, which occurs in Europe and the United States, kills about one percent of those infected in Africa. There is also a variant from Central Africa, where ten percent of cases on the continent are fatal. According to the Robert Koch Institute, all age groups and both sexes are equally susceptible. Children are particularly affected by the killer cycles in Africa.

Monkeypox cases have so far occurred in 11 countries (as of May 20, 2022)

Portugal 5 confirmed cases of monkeypox / 20 suspected cases
Spain 7 confirmed cases of monkeypox
you have Two confirmed cases of monkeypox / 20 suspected cases
Great Britain 9 confirmed cases of monkeypox
Italia A confirmed case of monkeypox
Belgium 2 confirmed cases of monkeypox
France A confirmed case of monkeypox
Deutschland A confirmed case of monkeypox
United States of America A confirmed case of monkeypox
Australia A confirmed case of monkeypox
Sweden A confirmed case of monkeypox

Monkeypox in Germany / Munich: there are more and more known infections

For experts, it was only a matter of time before there was evidence of monkeypox in Germany. “I would be surprised if we don’t find some infected people in Germany in a few days,” Norbert Bruckmere, head of the German STD Association, told dpa on Friday.

Based on the large number of cases in other Western countries, the doctor assumes that the virus has been spreading unnoticed for a while, Bruckmere said: “Who still thinks of smallpox today?” Due to increased interest in recent reports from Great Britain. It is now expected with a new awareness of contagion and thus with increasing evidence.

distance The first cases in Great Britain Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden and France, as well as the United States and Canada, have reported confirmed and suspected cases.

Monkeypox: causes and symptoms – RKI advises

  • Normal Symptoms of monkeypox According to RKI:
  • fever
  • Head, muscle and back pain
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • goosebumps
  • Itchy rash

who – which The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) just called for vigils on Thursday. “In the event of a suspicious clinical picture, monkeypox infection should be considered, especially in those returning from (West) Africa and of course in people in contact with known cases,” says the Epidemiological Bulletin (May 19). Furthermore, monkeypox should also be considered as a possible cause of non-obvious smallpox-like skin changes if the infected did not move to certain areas.


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