Many are still normal

Many are still normal

There are many reasons that lead to hair growth on the chin. In the vast majority of cases, there are hormonal reasons behind this. More specifically, when estrogen levels drop and testosterone levels rise. Such hormonal imbalances mainly occur during menopause and pregnancy.

Excessive hair growth can also be attributed to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – a common hormonal disorder. In addition to altered hair and an increased appearance of witch’s hair, PCOS causes cysts to grow on the ovaries, preventing eggs from maturing.

Good to know: Witch hair is not harmful. However, most affected women find coarse, dark witch’s hair disturbing. You can remove hair with a razor or tweezers, for example. However, the skin can be injured when plucking, and in the worst case, it can become inflamed. You should definitely keep your hands off the tweezers if hair is growing from a mole or pigmented spot. The claim that plucking produces more witch hair is a misconception. Only one hair can grow from a hair follicle at a time.

How many witch’s whiskers are still normal?

The witch’s hair is a sign of hirsutism. In women, this hair appears specifically in typically male areas — such as the chin, upper lip, or chest.

If you suddenly discover increased hair growth and ingrown hairs on your chin, you must first consult a doctor to determine the exact cause. You should seek medical advice further if the hair is particularly thick and voluminous. It’s hard to say how much “normal” witch hair is in general terms. The more pronounced the hirsutism, the thicker the hair.


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