Home Economy Looks like Volkswagen wants to put Porsche on the stock exchange

Looks like Volkswagen wants to put Porsche on the stock exchange

Looks like Volkswagen wants to put Porsche on the stock exchange

Volkswagen Volkswagen Vz . shareThe group is still working on a possible public offering of sports car subsidiary Porsche AG, according to a press report. Europe’s largest carmaker is preparing to list under the project name “Phoenix” in order to raise capital to restructure the group towards electric mobility, Handelsblatt reported Tuesday, citing corporate circles and the royal family’s environment.

She added that the Porsche and Beech families were willing to buy the shares. You have a majority vote in Volkswagen Volkswagen Vz . share– Set in the canopy that holds the Porsche Automobil Holding SE (PSE) Porsche A Holding Vz . shares Combined – not to be confused with the sports car manufacturers themselves.According to “Handelsblatt”, they can sell shares in the Volkswagen Group themselves to acquire shares in the automaker Porsche AG.

Significant increase in Volkswagen share

The preference share for Volkswagen, which hasn’t done well in the past few weeks and months, jumped more than eight percent at times after the news. Speculation about the initial public offering, which has been simmering for a long time, has intensified again this year.

According to reports, the royal families would like to regain more access to the automaker Porsche. No decision has yet been made, Handelsblatt wrote.

Herbert Diess, the last head of Volkswagen who was criticized, should keep his job at the Wolfsburg-based company. A spokesperson for the royal families described the information as speculation. The Volkswagen Group could not be reached for comment at first.

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