King Charles III: The same drink every night from the same cup | entertainment

King Charles III: The same drink every night from the same cup |  entertainment

He must accompany his glass when he travels |

What Charles drinks every night

The power of habit!

Even the King has his quirks: Former Prince Charles (73) was King of England for nearly two months. He had to wait decades for this. But not much has changed, at least with regard to the peculiarities of the king and his rituals.

Charles III must drink every night. And always the same!

Roman Count Tibor Kalnuki knows the new king personally. When Charles visited him on his farm in Transylvania years ago, he was said to have dropped a glass every evening. Kalnoky in the TV documentary The Real Windsords: The Candid Heir: “He loves a pre-dinner martini, that’s for sure.”

King Charles III at the beginning of November at Buckingham Palace: the fiftieth anniversary of the reception of British Asians expelled from Uganda is celebrated

King Charles III at the beginning of November at Buckingham Palace: the fiftieth anniversary of the reception of British Asians expelled from Uganda is celebrated


And that’s also from his own glass, which Charles takes with him on every ride!

Telegraph reporter Gordon Rayner has also been on many of the heirs to the throne, telling the Express: “Charles can be very picky when it comes to food and alcohol.”

However, according to him, there is not only a cocktail in the bag: “On royal trips, he takes a liqueur with him so that he always has something he likes to drink. It is quite strange behavior, but it makes sense for Charles!”

Perhaps the love of alcohol runs in the family. Because Charles’ mother, who died in September, Queen Elizabeth II (96), was a regular drinker. The ancient monarch is said to have followed a strict daily schedule and consumed up to four drinks per day at set times. By the way, in the evening there was a martini, just like my son.

But that’s not all: Charles is said to have access to a secret tunnel: in St James’s Palace, the former residence of the British monarchy. And this tunnel leads to a luxury bar of all places!

At St James's Palace, a secret tunnel is said to lead to a hotel bar

At St James’s Palace, a secret tunnel is said to lead to a hotel bar

Photo: Getty Images

According to Jack Brooksbank (36), husband of Princess Eugenie (32), the tunnel leads to the bar of the five-star Dukes Hotel, which is located in London’s posh Mayfair district and is a few minutes from the palace.

What is the hotel famous for? A wonderful martini…


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