In the Southwest: two out of three migrations fail | regional

In the Southwest: two out of three migrations fail |  regional

in hiding? Health problems? force majeure? The reasons are varied. The truth is, most attempts at deportation in the Southwest fail. It is becoming increasingly rare to get people who have to leave the country out of the country.

Stuttgart – Two out of three deportation attempts in the Southwest fail. This stems from a response from the responsible Ministry of Justice to a request from AfD MP Robin Rupp, available to the dpa news agency.

Accordingly, last year’s 4,787 attempts resulted in 1,654 actual deportations, which equates to 34.55 percent. In the previous year, the rate of successful migrations was just under 40 percent. In 2016, almost every second attempt was still successful.

► As reasons for the failure, the ministry said, among others, that it had not found those affected (1,186 cases) or organizational reasons (1,239) that prevented them from leaving the country – for example because the airline canceled a flight that was already taking place. Booked or not issued travel documents in a timely manner by the destination country. In 185 cases, the deportations failed because those affected went into hiding. Family reasons (109) or “unruly behavior” (101) also got in the way of deportations.

Robb, an AfD politician, criticized, “It’s clear that the state government has bailed out the wrong places and there is a lack of political will to stop recklessness over deportation dates.” He spoke in favor of a new strategy to effectively prevent those who had to leave the country from going into hiding.

Some 39,400 people in Baden-Württemberg have been asked to leave the country as of December 31, 2022, according to the federal government’s response to a question from the left in the Bundestag. More than one in ten comes from Gambia (12.2%), 4,526 of those who had to leave the country with rejected asylum applications came from Nigeria (11.5%). It is followed by Iraq (11.2 percent), Afghanistan (7.3 percent), and Turkey (4.6 percent).

According to the Federal Government, 304,308 foreigners were required to leave Germany, and the majority (248,145) had a so-called tolerance. Permitted persons are still required to leave the country, but they may stay temporarily because they cannot be deported, for example because they do not have identity documents or because they are ill.

In the Southwest, too, the vast majority of those who had to leave the country had forgiveness, only 5,149 of the total 39,386 who had to leave the country were reported without forgiveness.


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