Home Top News Hundreds of pupils missing after gunmen storm school in Nigeria

Hundreds of pupils missing after gunmen storm school in Nigeria

Hundreds of pupils missing after gunmen storm school in Nigeria

Hundreds of pupils are feared missing after a horrifying attack on Kuriga school in northwestern Nigeria. Local government officials have confirmed that gunmen stormed the school, kidnapping a total of 300 students. While approximately 25 students have been returned, 275 children, most of whom are between the ages of eight and 15, remain missing.

President Bola Tinubu has directed security agencies to do everything in their power to rescue the missing students and ensure that justice is served against the perpetrators. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has condemned the attack, calling on the government to take immediate action to protect students. Similarly, Amnesty International has urged authorities to safely rescue the abducted students and hold those responsible for the kidnapping to account.

Kidnappings for ransom have become all too common in Nigeria, particularly in the northwest region. Recent reports have indicated that the military lacks the necessary weapons to confront the armed groups responsible for these abductions. The frequency of such incidents underscores the high level of coordination and complicity within communities that allow these operations to take place.

The situation has sparked outrage and concern both domestically and internationally. The government’s response to this crisis will be closely scrutinized as the world waits for updates on the efforts to rescue the abducted students and bring the perpetrators to justice. Stay tuned to Bio Prep Watch for further developments on this heartbreaking story.

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