Home Top News How did Pussy Riot’s Alyukina escape from Putin

How did Pussy Riot’s Alyukina escape from Putin

How did Pussy Riot’s Alyukina escape from Putin

The Pussy Riot group attracted attention with provocative actions against the ruler Putin. Now one of the activists has fled from Moscow to the European Union – under amazing circumstances.

Russian activist Maria Alyokhina has been fighting for human rights in her homeland for more than 10 years and has repeatedly battled the judiciary. According to her lawyer, punk band member Pussy Riot has now left Russia despite police surveillance. According to Interfax, Alyokhina is no longer on Russian soil.

The New York Times reported on an amazing escape: it is said that Alyokhina left Moscow disguised as a courier for a delivery service. With a disguise, in a green outfit, she was able to deceive the police who were monitoring the apartment. She left her mobile phone behind so the authorities could not track her.

According to the report, Alyokhina is now in Vilnius. A friend of hers took her to the Belarusian border and she arrived in Lithuania about a week later. A valid travel document that was smuggled into the country for it.

According to Alukina, the result of their escape plan was “unexpected” and is a “big” signal to the Russian authorities. “I’m glad I did,” she was quoted as saying in the New York Times. “I still don’t quite understand what I did,” Elkhina said.

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