Hamburg tidal algae are low in oxygen to fish

Hamburg tidal algae are low in oxygen to fish

RTL>Regional News>

Hamburg (dpa / lno) – According to the Environment Commission, oxygen conditions in the Hamburg Tidal LB area are currently critical. This increases the concern over the fish. The minimum oxygen concentration is much lower than the minimum concentration of four milligrams per liter of oxygen required for fish, the authority said on Wednesday. NDR on this issue. LB fisherman Lothar Baco told the broadcaster NDR 90.3 that the dead fish had not yet been driven away. However, it usually takes a few days to realize the effects.

“Unfortunately, the lack of oxygen in the water is not uncommon,” the Environment Commission said. This usually happens during the summer months. “What’s unusual this year is that the zone of oxygen deficiency is expanding with each high tide up to Bunthaus.” Depending on the wavelength, the oxygen concentration there can vary from a maximum of 7.5 to a minimum of 2.5 milligrams per liter. “The explanation for the large range is that oxygenated water from the Middle LB passes through the measuring station during the current and oxygen – free water from the port during the flood current.”

The Environment Commission has named a number of factors for the recurrence of the oxygen problem in Wave LB. One reason: “Due to the low water level, the water stay time in the port is very long,” it said. “Some algae will die and sink.” The microbial decomposition of algae requires a lot of oxygen.

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Source: DPA


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