Fructose can favor Alzheimer’s disease – FITBOOK

Fructose can favor Alzheimer’s disease – FITBOOK

Researchers have identified a new possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease: fructose. The naturally occurring sweetness in fruit is present in supposedly healthy juices in a highly concentrated form.

Fructose – or fructose – is found naturally in fruits, some vegetables, and honey. This gives the impression that fructose is a healthier form of sugar. Indeed, dietary fructose has an important evolutionary benefit, according to University of Colorado researchers. However, the amounts of fructose that are consumed today are more likely to cause harm and, in their opinion, promote the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Smoothies and Co. In particular they are high fructose bombs that are part of many people’s daily menu – assuming they are doing something good for their health.

Why did fructose ensure the survival of the human race?

When famine threatened in prehistoric times, the brains of early humans developed a survival response that prompted them to search for food. This requires focus, quick assessment, impulsiveness, exploratory behavior, and a willingness to take risks. Worrying are wandering thoughts, worries, or memories.

And this is where fructose comes into play, according to the researchers. This sugar inhibits the responsible areas of the brain and ensures that you can devote yourself to the search for food without restrictions. In fact, fructose started the whole “foraging program” among hunter-gatherers. Regardless of whether it was produced by eating the fruit or by the body itself. It was cleverly set up by nature, because the success of this strategy clearly speaks for itself.

Also interesting: fructose ensures that more fat is stored in the body

Will the primitive strategy become fatal?

Accordingly, fructose “turns off” some areas of the brain so that it can focus better on searching for food. At times when the supply is in excess of food, this mechanism is no longer needed. However, according to Professor Richard Johnson, being permanently switched off by a high-sugar diet has serious consequences for brain health. The researcher and his team published their study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.1 “Continuous metabolism of fructose leads to progressive cerebral atrophy (brain wasting) and neuronal loss with all the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease,” he noted in a statement from the university. A vicious cycle that forces you to eat more high-fat, sugary, and salty foods in order to absorb or produce more fructose.

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Fructose causes Alzheimer’s disease in mice

Johnson and his team looked at all the studies on fructose and survival as well as fructose and Alzheimer’s, and drew new conclusions from them. For example, animals given fructose showed memory slips and lost their ability to navigate a maze. Another study found that lab mice fed a diet high in fructose had protein deposits in their brains that are typical of Alzheimer’s disease. “High levels of fructose are also found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s,” Johnson said.

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Alzheimer’s disease is favored by improper nutrition

Johnson firmly believes that an unhealthy diet leads to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. While more research is needed, one of the keys to preventing Alzheimer’s disease could be to artificially prevent fructose from being metabolized. In this way, it will also be possible to quickly determine whether this method is useful in prevention and treatment.



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