Home entertainment Did you miss ‘Jack Offenbach – Hoffmann Tales’ Wednesday at Artie?: Repeat opera online and on TV

Did you miss ‘Jack Offenbach – Hoffmann Tales’ Wednesday at Artie?: Repeat opera online and on TV

Did you miss ‘Jack Offenbach – Hoffmann Tales’ Wednesday at Artie?: Repeat opera online and on TV

Wednesday (December 29, 2021) “Jack Offenbach – Hofmanns Erzalongen” was shown on TV. When and where you can watch the opera by repeating the “Operetta Jacques Offenbach”, both on TV and digitally in the media library, read here on news.de.

Jacques Offenbach – Hoffmann’s Stories in Arte
Photo: Aarti, transmitted by FUNKE Guides

On Wednesday (December 29, 2021) “Jack Offenbach – Hofmanns Erzalongen” was shown on TV at 10:45 pm. You missed Jacques Offenbach – Hoffmanns Erzählungen’s operetta by Jacques Offenbach, but you still definitely wanted to watch the show? Take a look at artMedia library. This offers many online TV contributions as video-on-demand for streaming – also and especially after the respective broadcast on TV. You can usually find the program online after it is broadcast on TV. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all programs. Unfortunately, there will be no Arte iteration in linear TV in the near future.

‘Jack Offenbach – Hoffmann Tales’ on TV: This is what ‘Jack Offenbach’s operetta’ is all about

Offenbach’s opera features the poet Eta Hoffmann as the protagonist of his novels, who is in vain search for love and himself when he meets three women. The opera house organized work in a production for the Swiss Daniel Fenzi-Pascas, the conductor of the orchestra was Kent Nagano, and the soprano Olga Beretiako sang the role of the same name. (Source: Aarti, quoted by FUNKE magazines)

All information and in the “Stories of Jacques Offenbach – Hofmanns” at a glance

Trait: Operetta Jacques Offenbach

in a: art

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year of production: 2021

Long: 185 minutes

in high definition: Yes

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This text was generated with data from the Funke Group. If you have any comments or feedback, you can send them to us at [email protected]. *

ROJ / news.de


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