Home Economy Deutsche Post: Postage may soon be too expensive

Deutsche Post: Postage may soon be too expensive

Postboxes in Cologne

Postboxes in Cologne

Photo Alliance / Geisler-Fotopress | Christoph Hardt / Geisler Photo Pres

Deutsche Post plans to increase postage.

Next week, the Federal Network Agency wants to decide, according to FAZ, how high the increase will be.

According to the report, postage stamps for a regular letter can cost more than five to ten cents.

Deutsche Post plans to increase postage. Such as “Do” Reports indicate that the company has been beating the drum for higher message rates for months. According to “FAZ”, the reasons for the rise in prices are higher energy costs and employee wages.

The current standard postage fare for sending a letter of 80 cents is still cheap compared to many neighboring countries. Deutsche Post says the cost of a standard letter in Europe is on average €1.16.

Standard letter: 85 to 90 cents

Next week, the Federal Network Agency wants to decide, according to FAZ, how high the increase will be. According to the report, there are two options in the room. The Deutsche Post can either “calculate an additional fee of about five cents for all letter products”. Then a standard letter will cost 85 cents. Or it could focus on individual products. Thus it becomes possible to increase the direction of 90 cents. According to FAZ, the new prices will last for three years.


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