‘Böhmi sizzles’: The Kaulitz siblings rave about ‘Heidi’s goulash’ at Böhmermann

‘Böhmi sizzles’: The Kaulitz siblings rave about ‘Heidi’s goulash’ at Böhmermann

Updated on 02/07/2022 at 8:39 PM

  • Jan Böhmermann puts his apron back on and invites the celebrity to the fireplace.
  • The opening guests of the second season of “Böhmi sizzles” are the Kaulitz brothers from Hotel Tokio.
  • Tom revealed what’s on the board at home with Heidi Klum – Who attends it?

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Champagne has often helped him in his life as a rock star: “They say I’m good at dissuading people from their heterosexuality,” explains Tokyo Hotel singer Bill Kaulitz. Talking much and talking less, but his long-haired brother Tom, he is enjoying the drink at the start of the new season “Böhmi sizzles”. Jan Boehmermann, who is responsible for the TV investigative satire on “ZDF Magazin Royale”, invited us to chat and cook again. With the opening guests whose stellar brilliance radiates far beyond the prestige of ZDFneo.

Duck with red cabbage and potato pancakes in the middle of summer: such is how paradoxical the lives of rock stars, who many years ago jumped from Magdeburg first to teen idol paradise and then to Los Angeles. But Bill and Tom Kaulitz’s extravagant approach to seasonal cuisine has deep roots, too. The recipe with a filling of orange thyme came from their grandmother, who advised the brothers in advance, as did the drummer at the Tokyo Hotel Gustav, who drinks heavily (“whiskey every day on tour”), but otherwise was a constant in the here and now be anchored.

Bill and Tom need security “not because of fans, but because of haters.”

Böhmi sizzles, Jan Böhmermann, Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, ZDF, Heidi Klum, Tokio Hotel
ZDF shows new episodes of “Böhmi sizzling” on Fridays at the Media Library and on Saturdays at 7:45 PM on ZDFneo.

© ZDF / Niren Mahajan

“When we visit him in Magdeburg we are not allowed to drive in full cars and we have to wear headscarves,” Bell told his bandmate. In the Kaulitzens, nothing works without security – “but not because of fans, but because of haters,” Bill jokes.

It remains unclear whether the decanter of red wine vinegar in the red cabbage (by the glass!) and the special dumpling mix (Tom: “just as perfect as the package”) also come from Saxony-Anhalt cooking knowledge – hopefully – for details on the California mixture , come as frugal as Kaulitz-Klum. ‘Mess Sometimes’ There, Klum’s husband Tom gives a somewhat ambiguous look at life with a model, four teenagers, three dogs and the service staff. “We let them cook most of the time,” Bell explains. But, according to Tom, when Heidi picks up the spoon herself, she does so “well.” Color family favorite: Heidi Goulash.

Bill Kaulitz: “Champagne is a business cost!”

The real magic comes not only from the hairstyle, but also from Bill’s Böhmermann stove. At first I was horrified by the non-alcoholic wine offered by the host, and relief begins when the next drink is served: “There was a moet backstage too.” Also belongs to public broadcasters: “Champagne is an operating expense.” It’s definitely part of a rock star’s life as well as the occasional “discourage people from their heterosexuality.” “People say I’m good at it,” Bell says, not too deep…

And so Kaulitz’s appearance in “Böhmermann sizzles” not only leaves the comforting feeling that even die-hard L.A. doesn’t get away with the healthy freaks of vegan “rock” joggers in Saxony anhalt because of the imaginative duck with cinnamon in the middle of summer. According to Bell, the Boomermann dumpling stack is even better than its California counterparts and the two brothers’ cooking premiere (“What can you put in a duck like that!”) was an eventual success. Even with a return call from Böhmermann fan Bill, one would like to be there: “You must visit us in Hollywood.”

ZDF always publishes new episodes of “Böhmi sizzling” on Fridays in the media library and on Saturdays at 7.45pm on ZDFneo. The guest of the second episode is Klas Hofer Amlauf.
© 1 & 1 Mail & Media / teleschau


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