Blue Moon Milk has a calming and sleep-inducing effect

Blue Moon Milk has a calming and sleep-inducing effect

Delicious milk drink

Blue moon milk well arranged |  © shutterstock / P-Kheawtasang

Milk drink with spirulina and ashwagandha has a calming effect.

© shutterstock / P-Kheawtasang

Even Grandma knew at the time: If you can’t sleep, warm milk is the best medicine. Now the home remedy gets an upgrade! Not only does Blue Moon milk help you sleep better, but it also attracts attention. The name already reveals the influence of the latest Instagram trend, because the milk drink It has a calming effect and helps sleep. Here you can read why Blue Moon Milk is now part of your new evening ritual and how to prepare the delicious, aromatic drink.

Golden Milk now faces serious competition from the so-called Blue Moon Milktranslating “Blue Moon Milk”.

The milk drink contains the superfood spirulina, which is also responsible for the blue colour. Spirulina It is a blue-green algae that is packed with healthy antioxidants and boosts the immune system.

However, Ashwagandha is responsible for the calming effect as well “sleepingberry” named. In the Traditional Ayurveda Ashwagandha has been known for its calming effects for centuries. And don’t worry: The exotic plant can be found in organic markets or health food stores these days. In short, Blue Moon Milk strengthens our immune system overnight and at the same time ensures a more restful sleep. The drink fits perfectly into my every evening ritual!

Blue moon milk served with roses  © / Chiociola

Blue dream! Blue Moon Milk is the new trend drink on Instagram.

Photo: / Chiociola


  • 1 cup milk (cow’s milk, oat milk, or almond milk)

  • 1 teaspoon spirulina powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon ashwagandha powder

  • pinch of cinnamon (optional)

  • some agave syrup (if needed)

to prepare:

  1. Heat the milk slightly in a small saucepan (do not boil)

  2. Stir in spirulina and ashwagandha powder

  3. If necessary, sweeten with a little agave syrup

  4. Mix all ingredients well (a milk frother can help)

  5. Pour into a cup and garnish with cinnamon

  6. If you like it: Decorate Blue Moon Milk with flowers for the cutest Instagram photo

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