At 65: William Cohen, friend of Jan Bummermann, dies – Media – Society

At 65: William Cohen, friend of Jan Bummermann, dies – Media – Society

The casual presentation and charismatic bass voice with which William Cohn made guests on the “Roche & Böhmermann” talk show, or his scathing remarks announcing contributions to Jan Böhmermann’s “Neo Magazin Royale”, made the speaker, actor and singer into something like an unmistakable brand. In them, which was enhanced by his stunning appearance – in terms of the choice of sweaters, he was at least as distinguished as the former politician of the Free Democratic Party Hans-Dietrich Genscher. In short: William Cohen enjoyed cult status.

He died Thursday “suddenly and unexpectedly” in Basel at the age of 65, his management of the Internet service T-Online confirmed. No further details about the available conditions. “You are an impressive theatrical person. Happy journey, William,” Boomermann praised his ex-boyfriend on Twitter. ProSieben tweeted: “Too early, too early,” “William, take care,” ZDF.


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