An expensive crisis: where does the government really save for itself? | Policy

An expensive crisis: where does the government really save for itself?  |  Policy

iPhone: Both Johannes C. Bockenheimer and Maximilian

Because the Kremlin is a tyrant Vladimir Putin (69) threatened to stop gas deliveries, the federal government urges citizens to save energy. For example, the bathing period can be shortened, according to the vice chancellor Robert Habeck (52, green).

But what austerity efforts are being undertaken by the federal government itself?

BILD asked all ministries if the heating and air conditioning were off and if the lights were off at night.

▶ ︎ Example of air conditioning:

The staff of Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (57, SPD) enjoy the greatest comfort: in summer, the ministry is cooled to a pleasant 22 degrees.

On the other hand, Family Secretary Lisa Bowes (53, Greens) raised the air conditioning to 23 degrees. Secretary of State Annalina Burbock (41, Greens) treats her staff to a maximum of 24 degrees indoors when the outside temperature is 30 degrees.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck (52, Greens) is making officials sweat more: a maximum of 26 degrees.

▶ ︎ Example of heating:

For the winter, some ministries (interior and education) “check” if a back burner is possible.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze (53, SPD) is another step forward: Starting in the fall, there will be a maximum of 20 degrees in the office for her staff. By comparison, the Barbock’s Secretary of State is comfortably warm: Her ministry can be heated up to 23 degrees.

There is absolutely no heating limit for Family Minister Paus employees.

▶ ︎ Example of light:

Lights of the Ministry of Agriculture! In the Ministry of C. Ozdemir (56, the Greens) there is no night lighting in the “non-security areas”. Hubertus Heil (49, SPD) also turned off the lights at the Department of Labor at night.

With Attorney General Marco Buschmann (44, FDP), the lighting is controlled by a sensor.


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