Home Top News Americans send postcards to Congress from cities commemorating the massacre as part of a campaign to amend property laws: Marketing Magazine

Americans send postcards to Congress from cities commemorating the massacre as part of a campaign to amend property laws: Marketing Magazine

Americans send postcards to Congress from cities commemorating the massacre as part of a campaign to amend property laws: Marketing Magazine

17. 2. 2021
| Anetta Birnerova

America is infamous for gun massacres. In the campaign to change the law they hold, graphic artists from all over the world came together. They created postcards of affected cities that did not depict popular symbols, but horrific acts that people try in vain to forget.

New York has the Statue of Liberty, the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge and the city Parkland, Florida High school massacre. Recent campaign Legal non-profit organizations Replace Ref The public points to a number of things Cities in the United States He knows the whole world – unfortunately not always because of their cultural monuments.

This system tries to attract the attention of the cool ones ApathyNo Changed (Not only) School massacres Only v Another American stereotype. So, in collaboration Issued by Mullenlov U.S., Created a series (So ​​far) 50 postcards From “crime cities”.

Based on creative idea From classic travel postcards Will show Local labelsThat you can buy In memory In any city in the United States. Of these “Scenes of Shame” (Shame cards), You will not appreciate the local church or national park as they are marked as part of the campaign, but Comic depiction of mass shootingIt happened in the city.

The organization encourages residents to move to affected cities Scenes of humiliation To their legal representatives, and thus contributed to the change of law.

“We wanted to Scenes of humiliation There were Beautiful, Explained to the press Muse Creative purpose Co-founder of Change the Ref Messiah Olivier, “But at the same time to you Horror When you checked them out a chil ran over his back Close.

Send congratulations to Congress

You can see all the comments of shame that have been published so far Official website Campaigns. On the back side In addition to the classic blank address you will find in each view Description of a particular tragic event. For example Greetings from Sutherland Springs You can read the following story:

“The city of Sutherland Springs became the home of another mass shooting on November 5, 2017, from the glorious state of Texas. On that day, a man armed with a semi-automatic rifle entered the church and opened fire, killing 26 people and wounding 20 others.

Do you think they should be known for this at Sutherland Springs?

Change the laws regarding possession of weapons before transferring them to us. “

You can expand this view in advance Send With your message To a specific member of the US Congress In writing or electronically directly from the web.

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30 designers from around the world are fighting the massacre

The campaign began The most famous incidentsIt happened in cities Parkland, Columbine, Newtown to El Paso. Gradually, it expanded to other U.S. sites affected by tragic events until it was reached Number of current 50 cities.

During the campaign The number of designers from all over the world increasedParticipated in the creation of postcards. Currently In the project Collaborating 30 visual experts.

Renato Barreto U.S. from Mullenlow. Commenting on the growing trends of the Muse magazine campaign:

“In our initial survey, almost every American city had a postcard of a twentieth-century design, and unfortunately at least one massacre has taken place in every state. (…) We make it a shame to send them to Congress.

That American Members of the Legislature Began to be against the issue of guns Very indifferent They prove I am The answer to collaborating with foreign designers. Their reactions to these unfortunate events were often so strong that they supported the campaigners in believing it. American massacres should not become a regular part of modern history.

C They also joined the campaignarlos Paboudjian, art director originally from Brazil and now lives in Prague. Send its design to Congress Ann I am feeling shy zvEssex Junction, the city of Hermitage.

Advocacy Committee Replace Ref Established Patricia Oliver from Manuel Ann In memory of his son Jacqueline, who He is dead Only in 2018 During the Parkland mass shooting. Since then, the couple has been trying different ways It will prompt Congress to tighten the law regarding the possession of weapons. The first version of the shots was set Completed three years Valentine’s Day Parkland Massacre.

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We hope their new campaign will change the way legislators view guns.

Come to El Paso, where a person shot and killed 23 people in Walmart in 2019, and 23 people were injured.

Congratulations to the US Congress from Columbine, Colorado.

Welcome to Sunny Parkland, Florida. Local High School 19-year-old Nicholas Jacob Cruz shot and killed 17 people in February 2018.

Congratulations from Newtown, Connecticut. In 2012, a mass shooting took place at a local primary school, affecting 28 people.

Source: musebycl.io, Insults

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