Almost a meter of fresh snow – the military emergency unit helps

Almost a meter of fresh snow – the military emergency unit helps
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iPhone: Martina Lebel

Record snow and rain: Storm Juliet hits Mallorca. The government requested military assistance. The weather is improving. The situation is still tense.

Update from March 1, 2:15 p.m: In Mallorca, the cleaning business is in full swing. Snow plows and heavy equipment from the UME military emergency unit have been supporting emergency services on the island since Wednesday morning. Many trails in the Serra de Tramuntana remain closed. There are currently about 80 people in Lluc Abbey, according to the local broadcaster IB3. And on Tuesday evening they decided to stay there. There is enough food and places to sleep. Hikers actually wanted to enjoy the extraordinary snow in the mountains. But then the weather deteriorated dramatically. They took refuge in the shelter.

The sun is currently shining in Mallorca. Storm Juliet moved east toward Italy on Wednesday. But during the night a father had to be rescued from the car with his two young daughters. The man had tried to drive his car through a normally dry riverbed in Palma, according to reports Mallorca Zeitung. After heavy rains and snow chaos, a torrent arose there. The car was washed away by more than 100 metres. The father managed to call the emergency number. The rescue mission was complex. However, the father and his children were released from the car.

After the chaotic snow in Mallorca, troops from the Emergency Military Relief Unit UME cleared the roads with heavy equipment.
After the chaotic snow in Mallorca, troops from the Emergency Military Relief Unit UME cleared the roads with heavy equipment. © Twitter screenshot / @defensagob

Mallorca in winter chaos: more than a meter of new snow – the military emergency unit intervenes

Updated from March 1, 9:52 a.m: Snow and icy cold – Storm Juliet wreaked havoc on the sun-bathed island of Mallorca. The military emergency unit arrived in the port of Palma on Wednesday morning with snow plows and heavy equipment. Units to assist in rescue and clean-up work. Many roads remain impassable. Wind gusts of up to 117 km/h and heavy snowfall caused severe damage. Hundreds of trees fell on the Balearic Island.

Local media reported that this was the largest snowfall in decades. A spokesman for Spain’s Meteorological Agency described the snowfall as “unusual”. More than a meter of fresh snow fell in some areas in 24 hours. In addition, heavy rains turned small streams into flash floods. There were widespread floods. Under the pressure of water masses, the asphalt surface of a street in Palma, the capital of the island, collapsed.

Snow also fell in San Sebastian in the Basque Country in northern Spain, as well as in the Catalan regional capital, Barcelona, ​​on the Mediterranean. In the city of Molina de Aragón in the central Spanish province of Guadalajara, the thermometer dropped to minus 16 degrees on Tuesday morning, according to Emmett. The meteorological agency said that low temperatures in the interior of the country should continue on Wednesday.

“Juliet is finally leaving!” The National Weather Service announces Emmett Wednesday morning via Twitter. Weather conditions are improving. Temperatures are rising and precipitation is decreasing. In Mallorca, the damage is only gradually becoming visible.

Mallorca in the chaos of snow: parts cut off from the outside world – the military emergency unit intervenes

Updated Feb 28 at 7:32 p.m: The chaos of sudden snow in Spain is not over yet. Heavy sheets of snow in Majorca and freezing temperatures of minus 16 degrees: a spokesperson for the National Weather Service Emmett spoke of “extraordinary” snowfall.

According to Emmett, heavy rains and strong winds, the speed of which reached 117 kilometers per hour, were also recorded on the largest island of Mallorca. Heavy rains are also believed to be the cause of several landslides in the island’s capital, Palma de Mallorca. Heavy precipitation is common on the island in fall and winter, while heavy snowfall is rare.

Snow also fell in San Sebastian in the Basque Country in northern Spain, as well as in the Catalan regional capital, Barcelona, ​​on the Mediterranean. The meteorological agency said that low temperatures in the interior of the country should continue on Wednesday.

Mallorca in the chaos of snow: parts cut off from the outside world – the military emergency unit intervenes

Updated Feb 28 at 4:29 p.mHurricane Juliette continues to wreak havoc on the island of Majorca. The Balearic Islands government has now requested the intervention of the Military Emergency Unit (UME). In some regions, people are still cut off from the outside world. Some roads are impassable after heavy snowfall. Snow plows and chainsaws are badly needed. It is said that the UME team should arrive on Wednesday morning.

Meanwhile, hundreds of emergency services in Mallorca are on duty to clean the streets and rescue people from emergencies. In addition to snow masses, many fallen trees block important links.

50 people took refuge in the sanctuary of Lluc. Among them are children, according to reports Mallorca Zeitung. Six wanderers are trapped in the Minot Shelter. Rescue workers have already reached them. However, only when the weather improves can the trekkers be saved.

Emergency services said the camps near the Col de Sa Batala are safe. The family had to evacuate their trailer after the vehicle was struck by a large pine tree.

A severe winter storm causes havoc in Mallorca: residents must stay indoors

First report from February 28, 2023:

La Palma – Snow, storms and rain continue to cause problems for Mallorca. Hurricane Juliet is taking hold of Germany’s most popular holiday island. Strong winds are blowing. In the Serra de Tramuntana, from Galatzó to Tomir, there was a snow cap up to 2.5 meters thick and in Cala Santanyí, Cala Llombards and Cala Figuera there was a soft white cap at sea level, according to reports. Mallorca Newspaper. Due to the onset of winter, many roads in the Tramuntana Mountains had to be closed. Access roads are currently being cleared, but dozens of people remain cut off from the outside world, according to local broadcaster IB3.

Historic blizzard in Mallorca: the government cancels Balearic Day – citizens must stay indoors

Spanish Weather Service Emmett So he issued a red alert by Tuesday. In other parts of the Balearic Islands, the alert level is orange or yellow. Up to 100 liters of rain per square meter is expected in some areas in the next few hours. It has been raining non-stop since Monday.

Snow chaos in Mallorca: residents must stay indoors.
Snow chaos in Mallorca: residents must stay indoors. © Jim Rina/AFP

A storm sweeps over the island. On the sea, the wind blows the waves at a speed of up to 80 km / h. The weather service warns that it can grow up to eight meters high on the northern coast. Ferry connections have been largely cut. In some communities, power has been out since Monday.

On Tuesday (February 28), the Balearic government called on the population to stay in the apartments and not leave them except in emergency cases. Mallorca Zeitung. The government has also canceled all Balearic Day celebrations on March 1. It is said that most schools are closed anyway due to Bridge Day.

“Otherwise, it could be very sensitive,” Ministerial Office Minister Mercedes Garrido told local radio station IP3 on Monday evening. Weather experts have warned of the onset of arctic winter in southern Europe in March.

Chaotic Mallorca weather: roads on the holiday island are closed due to flooding

Many roads are now closed in Mallorca and the list goes on. Heavy rain turns small torrents into torrents that blew their banks. In many places basements and garages were flooded and trees were downed. In addition, the asphalt surface of Palma collapsed on Avenidas, the ring around the city center, on Carrer 31 de December. It is said that the masses of water caused the spectacular landslide here. Fire and rescue teams were used continuously for hours.

The weather in Mallorca is expected to calm down by Tuesday evening – heavy snowfall and rain will subside. However, Hurricane Juliet may bring snow and rain to Italy in the next few days. At the beginning of January there is the beginning of winter in Mallorca. A little later, new snows paralyzed parts of Italy and wreaked havoc there. (Ml)


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