Against judicial reform: the continuation of mass protests in Israel

Against judicial reform: the continuation of mass protests in Israel

Status: 01/04/2023 10:42 PM

Protests against the restructuring of the judiciary in Israel continued, and hundreds of thousands took to the streets again. They do not trust Prime Minister Netanyahu to temporarily halt the bill.

Mass protests continue against the government and its plans to weaken the judiciary in Israel. Despite the temporary pause for reform, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets for the 13th consecutive week. According to Israeli media, more than 170,000 people took part in the main rally in Tel Aviv alone. The police used water cannons.

“The government does not want an agreement, it just wants to buy time to pass the judicial coup,” the organizers said. This is the most important time since the founding of the state.” They accuse Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, known as Bibi, of only playing for time. Nationwide, organizers spoke of more than 450,000 people demonstrating in about 150 locations. “Netanyahu’s attempt to silence the protesters failed,” he added. “.

“We don’t believe a word that comes out of Bibi’s mouth.”

In Jerusalem, opponents of judicial reform demonstrated in front of President Isaac Herzog’s residence, where representatives of the ruling coalition and the opposition are negotiating a settlement. “We don’t believe a word that comes out of Bibi’s mouth,” said one protester. We believe it is just a political maneuver to end the protests.”

After mass protests and the announcement of a general strike, Netanyahu delayed the bill for a few weeks on Monday. But it may return to the agenda as early as April.

Protests against judicial reform continued in Israel

Sophie von der Tann, ARD Tel Aviv Daily Topics 11:13 PM, April 1, 2023

Several talks have taken place between the coalition and the opposition since Tuesday. But politicians from opposition parties have repeatedly questioned Netanyahu’s seriousness in wanting to compromise. Netanyahu’s coalition has already announced that it will continue the legislative process in the next parliamentary session if the talks fail.

Critics see the separation of powers in danger

The reform aims to reduce the influence of the Supreme Court. Among other things, parliament should have more influence over the appointment of judges and be allowed to overrule court decisions. Critics see this as an attack on the separation of powers and warn of a state crisis if reform is implemented.

Netanyahu benefits personally

Weakening the Supreme Court is not the only goal of judicial reform. Parliament has already passed another partial law – making it more difficult to remove the prime minister from office. The change is said to be personally designed for Netanyahu, who is accused of fraud, embezzlement and corruption. He has long denied the allegations and maintained that the government’s plans had nothing to do with his trial. The law can still be stopped by the judiciary.


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