Home science A clinic refuses to enter a patient without a permit

A clinic refuses to enter a patient without a permit

A clinic refuses to enter a patient without a permit

A woman wanting to have a heart exam saw herself Refusal to enter the clinic Because she did not have a health permit with her. This is the unfortunate story relayed by a medic on Thursday, July 29, on Twitter, denouncing the government’s passing.

Do not pass, do not care?

In his car, the caregiver talks in front of the camera for about thirty seconds”sound the alarmAs he says:

I am a paramedic and today we drop a patient in a private clinic to examine the heart, A small examination was refused for the sole reason that this lady could not provide a health declaration.

Visibly affected by the situation, the ambulance driver unleashed his anger: “So today we are sitting on the Hippocratic oath, We also focus on free access to care. Unacceptable !”

“It’s a pity. Welcome to France…”, Finally conclude.

As a reminder, a health card should not be required in hospitals and clinics. From August 9. Why such a situation? Is this a unique case? Apparently no…

Controls in “certain areas”

The story told by the paramedic was then confirmed by his ambulance company. But above all, we learn that Similar cases It has already occurred “while the law has not yet been passed”:

This problematic situation has already arisen In certain areas, and soon in Grand Est As the ARS requires hospitals, as of August 1, to place a guard at the entrance to the facility to check health entry permitsAnd

says Guillaume Narguet, general secretary of the CNSA (National Chamber of Ambulance Services).

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There are still a number of unanswered questions:How can a patient’s scheduled transfer – monthly dialysis for example – be ensured if he does not have a health permit and is turned away at the hospital entrance? Will the health insurance cover the return trip in this case?Guillaume Narguet asks.

We hope the government will quickly provide some answers on this matter.

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