Liposuction of the face – the procedure, risks and costs

Liposuction of the face - the procedure, risks and costs

With about 45,000 liposuctions performed annually in Germany (in the US up to about 260,000!), this procedure is among the most popular cosmetic procedures among men and women. Not only the silhouette, but also the face can be significantly slimmed down. Specialist answers the most important questions.

What is liposuction?

“when LiposuctionThe so-called liposuction, the fatty tissue is selectively loosened under the skin and is suctioned out locally using a micro-cannula by the specialist”, says Dr. Susan Steinkraus, dermatologist and cosmetologist in Hamburg. In this way, problem areas can be treated in a targeted way. And give the desired shape.The most common procedure is most often performed on the stomach, bottom, hips and thighs.But it can also clearly outline the contour of the cheek on the face.

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What can face liposuction do?

Dr. says. rock. “Cheek liposuction can reduce the size of a round, wide face. It also allows you to change the jaw line and accentuate the jaw line, giving the overall impression of a more prominent and defined face.”

What happens during cheek liposuction?

In the cheek liposuction procedure, fat cells are specially removed from the cheek area. “During the healing process, the skin around the treated area is reshaped. This can lead to a thinner face, which in turn leads to a more defined profile and a more prominent jawline.” rock.

Cheek liposuction is not much different from liposuction on other parts of the body and is often performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, such as a face lift.

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Cheek liposuction vs. lipectomy

A distinction is made between liposuction on the cheeks and buccal lipectomy. “While both procedures remove fat from the face, buccal lipectomy involves removing very specific fatty tissue in the cheek, called the buccal fat pad,” the specialist explains.

Face liposuction

1. Preparation

Cheek liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis and usually takes about two hours. First, your doctor uses a pen to mark the area of ​​your cheek that will be treated. If the results are minor, you will then receive a pure local anesthetic or a local anesthetic as twilight sleep and, in rare cases, general anesthesia, making the treatment itself painless. There are different techniques for tissue removal.

2. bulge

Swelling can be translated as “swelling” and is a special form of local anesthesia and is done in preparation for liposuction. A mixture of saline, pain relievers, and epinephrine is injected into the cheek area, causing it to become stiff and swollen. This makes it easier to remove the fat.

3. Ultrasound

A small metal rod that produces ultrasound energy is inserted into the area. This energy leads to the breakdown of fat cells.

4. Laser

Then small laser fibers are inserted into the area to be treated, which causes the fat to be broken down.

5. cannula

Finally, fat is suctioned from the cheek through a small metal tube, called a cannula, to which a suction device is attached.

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healing process

Dr. said. rock. “It is also a good idea to wear a compression bandage for a few days while you recover. It is a kind of soft helmet that covers your head and covers your jaw and neck.” Full recovery can take up to three to four weeks, but you are usually socially acceptable within seven to ten days. .

Who is suitable for facial liposuction and for whom not?

When facial fat is removed, inelastic skin can appear saggy and wrinkled. In addition, liposuction can increase the formation of dents in the skin. Therefore, the treatment is more suitable for people whose skin has elasticity and smoothness and who have an average weight or slightly above average. People with thin, wrinkled skin are not good candidates for liposuction.

In addition, you must be in good general health, without underlying diseases such as heart disease or diabetes and preferably a non-smoker.

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Treatment risks

Temporary swelling and slight discomfort is normal when recovering from liposuction and should subside as the area recovers. “Like any surgery, there can be complications with cheek liposuction. The risk can increase if several cosmetic procedures are performed at the same time,” says Dr. rock. In rare cases, profuse bleeding may occur during the procedure, as well as an adverse reaction to anesthesia. It is possible for the skin to appear saggy or uneven after the procedure, in addition to discoloration of the skin and the accumulation of fluid under the skin (the so-called seroma). Very rarely, nerve damage can occur that can cause numbness, infection in or around the fissures, and fat embolism.

“It is very important to see a qualified medical professional to get the best results and avoid complications. Liposuction should be done by a certified plastic surgeon,” the expert recommends.

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Should the treatment be repeated? Does fat come back?

With liposuction, fat cells are permanently removed from the body, which is why a repeat treatment is not usually required. However, if you gain weight after the procedure, it will affect your entire body proportionately. If you gain a lot of weight, new fat cells can form in the treated area. If these again take on an alarming volume, liposuction can be repeated.

Face liposuction cost

The average cost of cheek liposuction is around 1800 to 3000 euros and depends on the location, the doctor and the technique used. Since liposuction is a cosmetic procedure, the costs are not covered by health insurance.

The right surgeon

Once you have found a certified plastic surgeon, you can schedule a consultation. At this appointment, it will be determined if you are a suitable candidate for liposuction and all questions, risks and treatment details will be explained.

Do not be afraid to ask all your questions and also to check the expertise of the specialist. Possible questions could be:

– How many years do you have experience in plastic surgery?
– How many years has liposuction been performed?
– Do you have experience in liposuction of the cheeks? If so, how many surgeries have you had?
Do you have before and after pictures that I can see?


– With expert advice from Dr. med. Susan Steinkraus, Clinic for dermatology and cosmetology in Hamburg

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Zoe Barker
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