The discovery and isolation of the first case of monkeypox

The discovery and isolation of the first case of monkeypox

The Regional Health Agency of Nouvelle-Aquitaine confirms that the first case of monkeypox has been diagnosed at Angouleme Hospital. At present, Europe finds itself at the center of the spread of this disease. The World Health Organization is concerned about the risks of the virus spreading on the continent.

first case monkey pox He was diagnosed in the Angoulême Hospital Center (16), the Regional Health Agency (ARS) explained to France 3, confirming the information from our colleagues from La Charente Libre.

“We have already received confirmation of a case of monkeypox in Charente County.”Johann Vasilier, head of the Center for Health Surveillance and Prevention of Infection Risks at ARS Bordeaux explains. “We received the return of the analysis confirming this case on the evening of Tuesday, June 14, late. The person was not hospitalized, he is isolated,” he added.

She defines it “As the protocol asks us, this person was called by Public Health France and the ARS to conduct a preliminary investigation into their health and the list of potential contacts. Twice a week by the ARS to follow the evolution of their situation and answer any questions.

These reminders occur for the duration of the imposed isolation, i.e. 3 weeks, further defining ARS.

Monkeypox (“monkeypox” in English) or “monkey orthopoxin”, known to humans since 1970, is a disease considered rare, caused by a virus transmitted to humans by infected animals.

It initially results in a high fever and quickly progresses to a rash with scales forming. They are often benign, and resolve spontaneously after two to three weeks.

The virus is particularly transmitted by prolonged contact, especially during sexual intercourse. According to the World Health Organization, its current circulation should not result in the cancellation of public welcome events planned for this summer.

“These events are great opportunities to raise awareness among sexually active young people and people with a high degree of mobility”Explains Hans Kluge, Director of the World Health Organization for Europe.

Europe remains the epicenter of this growing wave, with 25 countries reporting more than 1,500 cases, or 85% of the global total.

Hans Kluge

Director of the World Health Organization Europe

The World Health Organization, concerned about the risks of spreading the disease, says Europe is the epicenter of monkeypox. It has been detected in 19 member countries as well as in Norway and Iceland.

“Europe remains the epicenter of this growing wave, with 25 countries reporting more than 1,500 cases, or 85% of the global total.”Hans Kluge continues.

For the UN Foundation, the priority is to contain transmissions.

“The scale of this epidemic presents a real danger: the longer the virus circulates, the more it spreads and the more the disease spreads in non-endemic countries”warns Mr. Kluge.

The virus usually spreads in Central and West Africa, outside Europe, is now present in Australia, the Middle East, North America and South America, and the total number of infections is more than 1,600.

To face any epidemic risk, the European Commission and the Danish North Bavarian laboratory announced on Tuesday 14 June 2022 the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of more than 100,000 doses of vaccines.

The agreement relates to the supply of 109,090 doses on behalf of European countries, the Commission specifies. It is inspired by the group’s purchases of Covid vaccines but relates to much smaller quantities.

Marketed under the name Imvanex in Europe, Jynneos in the United States and Imvamune in Canada, it is a third generation (live, non-replicating vaccine) approved in Europe since 2013 and indicated against smallpox in adults. The European Medicines Regulatory Authority (EMA) announced at the beginning of June that it had begun discussions with the Bavaria Nordic with the aim of expanding its use against monkeypox.

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Zoe Barker
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