Thursday, December 19, 2024
HomescienceVandalism of the nurses' union buildings in Toulouse

Vandalism of the nurses’ union buildings in Toulouse

Nurses’ union buildings in Toulouse were vandalized, including anti-sanitary pass cards, from Thursday to Friday night.

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The nurses’ union buildings were vandalized in Toulouse, Refers to Friday, August 6 France Blue Occitanie. About thirty stone-throwing traces, broken windows and the inscriptions “No to the corridor” and “Long live the blow” were noted on the walls.

The nurses union staff who discovered the damage say they are “They are shocked by such an attack and fear for their safety.”, outlines a press release issued by the Nurses’ Union.

The National Union of Nurses announces that it has filed a complaint and “Strongly condemns these acts of vandalism and intimidation against an organization carrying out a public service mission, particularly in the context of the health crisis.”

These deteriorations come on the day after the decision of the Constitutional Council that essentially approved the health bill, and on the eve of a fourth consecutive Saturday to mobilize “for freedom” and “against the dictatorship of health.”

"not to pass, "long live strike" Engraving on the walls of the Nurses Syndicate building in Toulouse.  (Nurses order)

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Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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