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‘Final Chart Show’ 2021: Oliver Jessen was looking for the ultimate great party! Who is in first place?

Oliver Geissen is looking for the best party ever.
Photo: TVNOW/Frank Hempel

It doesn’t take much for a successful summer party: sun, cool drinks, good friends, and the right music. The hits in particular are very popular among the party crowd, especially in the summer. to Oliver Jessen Reason enough to find the best party ever in the new edition of “The Ultimate Chartshow”.

2021 “Hit the Final Chart Show Party” with Oliver Jessen on June 25.

If you don’t want to miss the TV show, tune in to RTL Friday evening at 8.15pm. The guest list is also great again. Among others, Oliver Jessen welcomes Might Kelly, Ramon Roselli, DJ Ötzi, and Jürgen Drews to a duet with Ben Zucker and Kirsten Ott in “The Ultimate Chartshow Party-Schlager” in the studio.

‘Hit the Final Charts Show’ 2021: Who’s the #1 winner?

Spectators eagerly waited for the first place. What party hits are you most likely to end up with in the first place? Is the winner possibly a studio guest? Or was Helen Fisher in the end the one who fought her way to the top of the charts? Schlager Queen was at least at the top of the list in the Twitter community. But in the end, the singer had to admit defeat to the song “Dein Stern” by DJ Ötzi and Nick B.

Did you miss the ‘final chart show party’ in 2021? The whole sequence as iteration

If you don’t have time to watch “The Ultimate Chartshow Party-Schlager” 2021 live on Friday night, you can watch the entire episode as a replay. RTL will be broadcast again on TV on June 26, 2021 at 12:20 AM. If this time doesn’t suit you at all, you can watch the full episode “The Ultimate Chartshow Party-Schlager” online at RTL’s media library as VOD.

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New potential route of infection discovered – is vaccination protection at risk? Healing practice


Mutation opens another route for SARS-CoV-2 infection

The SARS-CoV-2 mutation gives the ability to enter cells not via the ACE2 receptor, as is usually the case, but via a different pathway. As all COVID-19 vaccines and antibody-based therapies to date target the sparse protein and ACE2 receptor pathway to cells, the question arises as to what are the effects of the second route of infection on the spread of COVID-19 and so on. Existing can you have vaccinations?

The virus can bypass antibodies and vaccines

The virus’s ability to use an alternative entry route theoretically opens up the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 bypassing antibodies or vaccines, even if there are no indications of such a process, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Lewis regarding the results of their new study. These show that the virus can change in unexpected ways and find new ways to cause infection. The study was published in the English Language Journal.cell reportsChest.

Alternate route of infection

This mutation occurred in one of the places that changes dramatically when the virus spreads between humans. Most often, alternative receptors and binding factors enhance ACE2-dependent entry. But in this case we have discovered an alternative way in which an important type of cell – a human lung cell – is infected,” explains study author Dr. Cipla Cutloway of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The virus acquired this ability through a mutation known to occur in the population.

Last year, the research group planned to investigate the molecular changes that occur in cells infected with SARS-CoV-2. Experts often check SARS-CoV-2 in primate kidney cells because the virus thrives well in them. However, in the current study, cells from lung tissue and other cells very similar to naturally infected cells were examined.

In order to identify more cells related to SARS-CoV-2 replication, the experts examined a group of ten so-called lung and head and neck cell lines. “The only ones that could get infected are the ones you included as a negative control,” the expert says. This was a crazy surprise because it was a human lung cancer cell line without ACE2.

The boom comes from the lab

Experts found that the virus they used in the experiments had caused a mutation. The virus was originally acquired from a person in Washington state who had COVID-19. When the virus grew in the lab over time, it acquired a mutation. This resulted in a single amino acid change at position 484 in the spike protein of the virus.

The SARS-CoV-2 Spike is used to bind ACE2, and position 484 is what is known as a mutagenesis hotspot. A large number of mutations at the same locus have already been identified in viral variants of humans and mice as well as in viruses grown in the laboratory, according to the researchers.

Some of the mutations identified in the human virus samples are identical to those the research group found in their variant. The team shows that the worrying alpha and beta variants have mutations at position 484, although these mutations are different.

The virus can be under selective pressure

“This situation is evolving over time in humans and in the laboratory. Given our data and those of others, it is possible that the virus is under selective pressure to enter cells without the use of ACE2. In many ways, it is frightening to imagine that the world’s population is fighting a virus that continues to diversify mechanisms through which cells can be infected,” explains study author M. press release.

Vaccines are ineffective through the alternate route of entry?

Um herauszufinden, ob die Nutzung eines alternativen Eintrittswegs dem Virus erlaubt, COVID-19-Antikörpern oder Impfstoffen zu entkommen, wurden Panels von stand Antikörpern und Blutserum mit Antikörpern von Menschen welge anche dergenen fesert, wurden k to have. In general, antibodies and serology were also effective against the virus with the mutation, but there were some deviations, experts reported.

So far, it remains unclear whether the alternative signaling pathway will start working under real conditions when people become infected with SARS-CoV-2. The researchers explained that before an answer to this question can be found, the alternative receptor that the virus uses to reach cells must be found.

It is possible for the virus to use ACE2 until no other cells have ACE2 and then travel to this alternate pathway. The research team explains that without knowing the correct receptor, no statement can be made about its importance to the body. This is the point that is currently being worked on. (Such as)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of the specialized medical literature, clinical guidelines and current studies and has been examined by medical professionals.


  • Washington University School of Medicine: The virus that causes COVID-19 can find an alternative route to infecting cells (veröffentlicht 24.06.2021), University of Washington College of Medicine
  • Maritza Burray-Chavez, Kyle M. Labak, Travis B. Shrink, Jennifer L. Elliott, Davalp. Bhatt et al: Systematic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection of an ACE2-negative human airway cell, in Cell Reports (veröffentlicht 17.04.2021), cell reports

important note:
This article is for general guidance only and is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.

Tour de France: Pogacar and Roglic . are caught


Slovenians Tadej Pojacar and Primoz Roglic are the two favorites in the Tour de France. The Ineos team also wants to be on top.

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Titelverteidiger Pogacar sieht sich “nicht als Leader”

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Ifsbvtgpsefsfs Qsjnp{ Sphmjd cfxjft cfj Qbsjt.Oj{{b voe efs Cbtlfomboe.Svoegbisu fjof tubslf Gsýigpsn/ Bc Foef Bqsjm {ph tjdi efs gsýifsf Tljtqsjohfs bvt efn Sfoohftdififo {vsýdl voe tdivgufuf bmmfjo jn Usbjojoh- vn ojdiu xjfefs jn foutdifjefoefo Npnfou wpn Kvohtqvoe bchflpdiu {v xfsefo/ Lvs{ wps efn Hsboe Eêqbsu xpmmuf tjdi efs 42.Kåisjhf ojdiu jo ejf Lbsufo cmjdlfo mbttfo/ ‟Nbm tfifo”- lpnnfoujfsuf fs ejf Gsbhf- pc fs Qphbdbs ejftnbm xjse cftjfhfo l÷oofo/

Team Ineos hofft ebenfalls auf den Sieg der Tour de France

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Microsoft announces FidelityFX support for Xbox Series X, S, and One consoles


From Maurice Ribling
Microsoft has announced support for FidelityFX Super Resolution for its Xbox consoles. Initially, the feature will be distributed as a preview to development kits and will not only be supported by Xbox Series X and Series S, but also on Xbox One consoles.

After AMD recently provided its own answer to Nvidia’s DLSS in the form of FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) and initially announced it for all current RDNA-based graphics cards as well as the previous Polaris mid-tier, it was fairly clear that the technology was earlier or Later also ends with current consoles from Microsoft and Sony.

Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X or Series S both have RDNA-based graphics units and can support FidelityFX Super Resolution accordingly. At least in the case of the new Xbox consoles, there is now a definitive answer. There, FSR is initially available as a preview for development kits, now confirmed by Jason Ronald, Xbox Program Manager. But not only does the current generation of consoles benefit from FSR, older Xbox One consoles are also being considered.

The fact that implementation of the feature is ultimately left up to the developers and means additional work for them is questionable, however, whether the effort will be made to rely on FSR for Xbox One versions for the remaining crossover versions at all.

Since this is still a preview feature at the moment, it will take some time for FidelityFX Super Resolution to be widely rolled out on the Microsoft platform. The first Xbox games with FSR could be released as early as Christmas, but that console owners may have to wait until 2022 for now.

Also worth reading: Microsoft brings exclusive Xbox Series X titles to Xbox One via the cloud

The Verge, the new console feature for the Xbox platform Messages, they said they asked AMD about FSR support from Playstation 5, but there was no answer. However, with no support for VRR and 1440p on the current console, Sony has completely different build sites to take care of.

Xbox Mini Fridge: Trailer Introduces Microsoft’s Fridge

Mixed reality in the test: mixed feelings

Mixed reality in the test: mixed feelings

PCGH Plus: Several mixed reality headsets came out at the end of last year. The world of virtual reality must be conquered by simple plug and play without tracking equipment and without computer stents. Must … The article comes from PC Gamers 07/2018.
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Joe Biden: The US government is suing electoral reform in Georgia الإصلاح


The United States government is taking legal action against a restrictive change in state election law Georgia Before. “In our case, we announce that recent amendments to the Georgia Elections Act were passed with the intention of denying or restricting the right to vote to black citizens of Georgia on the basis of race or skin color,” said US Attorney Merrick Garland. Washington. The United States must protect every citizen’s right to vote.

The state’s Congress passed the election law in March. It makes voting by mail more difficult and in some cases shortens polling station opening times. It also gives the state parliament more powers to intervene in the election process. Third parties are also prohibited from speaking to voters in line – even offering them water or food is a crime.

Democratic President of the United States Joe Biden He cited the Georgia law earlier this year as an example of modern racism. He said Republicans created long queues to vote themselves by reducing the number of polling stations “disproportionately in black neighborhoods.”

Looking at the racist Jim Crow laws that blacks use in United States of America “This is Jim Crow of the 21st century,” Biden said until the 1960s.

Tour de France – Poker and Rocklick like to stir up the Tour de France


As in the previous year, the Tour de France (12pm / Sky), which starts in Brest on Saturday, could turn into a Slovenian fight. Current champions Tadej Bokakar and Primos Rocklick are considered the most favorite after a strong season so far, but the Aeneas racing team, which was sacked in 2020, wants to face it with Gerant Thomas, Richie Borde and Richard Carbas. A few more like Ricoberto Uran deserve the stage. Since there is not much mountain trail at this time, the French believers Julian Albiliphe can count on anything. However, this does not apply to four-time champion Chris Froome, who has yet to recover from a serious fall injury in 2019.

Meanwhile, the Austrians are heading for stage victories. However, Lucas Pastelberger and Patrick Conrad are involved in the Bora team mainly as assistants to stage rival Wilco Gelterman and sprinter Peter Sagan, but they will also be given the freedom to make their own initiative. This also applies to Marco Holler, the leading wolf in the most successful Bahraini entourage recently.

Dream of a stage success

The fourth ÖRV professional in the field of elegant touring is Michael Cochle of the Quebec Racing Team, who did a lot in the spring. Holler, Conrad and Pastelberger, who retired in 2020, could start the tour carefree as he struggled with knee problems in advance. The Pastelberger was in excellent shape, lasting several days with stage success and overall tour on the Dowfine tour.

After finishing twelfth overall in the Tour test, Conrad confidently travels to the wind-affected Brittany as the newly crowned national champion. “I am in a good mood and the form is correct. I hope I can add a little more during the tour,” Conrad told the Austrian press. Lower Austrian, who has already finished in the top ten at Zero, wants to drive on his own, in addition to his role as a key assistant to Gulderman. “At one point or another I will look for my chance. A win is a dream come true,” the 29-year-old said.

After lipedema surgery: Jennifer Frankhauser provides an update

Has Jennifer Frankhauser (28 years old) survived the lipedema operation well? Like her mother Iris Klein (54), the influencer has been suffering from a fat distribution disorder for several years now. In order to remove the affected fat and relieve the pain, I have already undergone several times with the knife. This year she will have to undergo a total of three more surgeries – the second she has now. How do you feel then?

in your Instagram-Former Celebrity Big Brother Storey explained: The process ended and went well.” Her arms were bleeding a lot after the two-hour operation, but the pain made the operation bearable. A total of 1.8 liters of fat was removed from them. “Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve more. I was hoping it would be more,” said sister Daniela Katzenberger, 34. But now she wants to let everything heal first and wishes she was happy with the outcome.

It will take some time for healing to complete. Her legs are still at least slightly swollen from the operation about two months ago. to me Jenny Swelling is delayed due to the current warm weather.

Jenny Frankhauser, influences

Instagram / jenny_frankhauser

Jenny Frankhauser, influences
Jenny Frankhauser in June 2021

Instagram / jenny_frankhauser

Jenny Frankhauser in June 2021
Jennifer Frankhauser, reality TV star

Instagram / jenny_frankhauser

Jennifer Frankhauser, reality TV star

Online calculator determines five-year risk of dementia


Ottawa. Where did the front door key go? What is the name of the neighbor’s cat? What day of the week is this? It’s totally normal to sometimes forget things – and nothing to worry about. It becomes a problem if this forgetfulness occurs frequently or over a longer period of time, possibly accompanied by problems with orientation or poor concentration. This may indicate dementia. according to German Alzheimer’s Association About 1.6 million people in Germany suffer from dementia.

A Canadian research team has now developed a new online tool in which people 55 and older can determine their risk of developing dementia over the next five years. so called Dementia Calculator It uses the DemPoRT algorithm for this purpose, which is based on anonymized data from the Canadian Community Health Survey. It is based on survey data from 50,000 residents of the Canadian province of Ontario who are 55 years of age or older. The exact procedure has been described by scientists at The Hospital of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa, the Breuer Research Institute and the ICES Research Institute in “Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health“.

The online calculator is only available in English

“What sets this dementia risk calculator apart is that you don’t have to go to the doctor for any tests,” study author Stacey Fisher explains in one such tool. Ottawa hospital press release Quoted. “People already have all the information they need to fill out the calculator from the comfort of their own home.”

The Dementia Calculator asks about the different factors that can affect your risk of developing dementia – eg physical activity, alcohol consumption, diet and stress. “The COVID-19 pandemic has also made it clear that sociodemographic variables such as ethnicity and neighborhood play a large role in our health,” said Peter Tanusiputro, lead author of the study. “It was important to include these variables in the tool so that policy makers could understand how different populations are affected by dementia.”

Within a few minutes, participants can use the Dementia Calculator to calculate their risk of developing dementia and receive tips on how to reduce it. The online tool can also predict the number of new cases in the community, identify populations at high risk, and provide information on dementia prevention strategies, according to the Ottawa Hospital. So far, the computer can only be used in Canada, which means it is only available in English. However, it is possible to adapt it to every other country that collects health survey data, the Ottawa hospital said.

WTA Championships in Bad Homburg 2021: Angelique Kerber in the semi-finals


Crossplay update and Revenge of the Cartels’ Revenge event are available


The Borderlands 3 Crossplay update and Revenge of the Cartels event is now available.

Get ready, Vault Hunters – an exciting update with all-new features is here. The cross-play update began as a free expansion for Borderlands 3. Includes cross-play for Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, Mac, Stadia and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store, the most popular seasonal event returns with Revenge of the Cartels, permanent activation of seasonal events, new one level cap and more.

From today this is Crossplay feature Available for Borderlands 3 on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, Mac, Stadia, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store. This is the perfect time to experience shooting and mayhem with friends! More details about activating cross-play can be found at Official Website from the game.

With Gangster revenge revenge The fan-favorite seasonal event returns as well. Joey Ultraviolet and his cohorts return for the next round and the friendly Saurian Maurice once again asks players to take out cartel foes who are loitering around areas of the base game and campaign additions.

When enough of the cartel’s thugs have been promoted to the afterlife and the coordinates of their hiding place are taken from them, Morris opens a portal that takes players straight to the main event: a violent showdown against Joey Ultraviolet, the head of the Iridium gang, in the Ultraviolet Villa. There are a number of new beauty items available for purchase at this event, all of which are on Official Website of the game included.

The cross-play update also brings endless seasonal events! Players can now play all of Borderlands 3’s themed seasonal events – Bloody Harvest, Heartbreak Day, and Revenge of the Cartels – anytime and as long as they want.

A new option in the main menu lets you choose which of the three events you want to activate or deactivate. Each of these annual events includes unique cosmetic rewards and exclusive loot from the first two years that can now be earned at your own pace. If players have participated in these events before, their progress in the respective challenges will not be reset, but they can earn (or earn) seasonal event loot in unforgettable boss fights.

Speaking of events: From June 24 at 6:00 PM CST to July 1 at 5:59 PM CST, the effects will be for all six True Trials mini-events. This means that all six bosses in the experience will get the same important health and damage boost and will drop the two Legendary bodies that belong to them. In addition, the box at the end of each trial also contains a lot of legendary items!

Finally, with the Interlaced gameplay update, players can harness the power of vault hunters even further, because the upper limit of the level has been increased by seven levels to the new maximum level 72. With a maximum of 70 skill points available, players have more opportunities to wreak havoc and tamper with their characters more than ever.

Borderlands 3 is now available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.