When the old goes, the new must come: We recently reported that some Lego-Mario sets will soon be disappearing from range. Nintendo seems to realize this, wants to make up for the loss and is putting new merchandise on the table with the new announcement.

Today’s ad fits like a fist in the eye, because the three sets are about Luigi and his ghostly encounters in the spooky villa of Luigi’s mansion in the spirit of Halloween. Unfortunately, the sets won’t be released this year, so there must be something else under the tree for Christmas.

Almost scary like walking barefoot on LEGO bricks

Along with his racy vacuum cleaner, Schreckweg 08/16, the green plumber goes in search of the ghost sock. That is, as soon as he stopped shaking and gathered the courage to enter the hideous and cursed villa.

In addition to Lego Luigi, there are of course also many ghosts in the three sets on display. In the smallest of the three, half way is still harmless, because for $30 you can visit Professor I.’s lab. Gidd and Poltergust who live there. For $40, you will be sent on the path to the castle, where the kind Polterpinscher will help you against Buu Huu and the hideous tree.

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The ultimate set is $80 and invites you into the spooky halls of the haunted mansion. There is a toad stuck in a board waiting to be rescued, something that the Green Slime Spirit and King Bu Huo naturally want to prevent. You will need the basic version of Lego-Luigi for all three sets. But you still have plenty of time to get them: the new combos won’t appear until January 1, 2022.

those: Nintendo America

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