New Chance for BVB Professional Julian Brandt on DFB Team

Julian Brant is considered very talented. But its performance varies greatly. Now he can do self-promotion again. comment.

Julian Brandt is aware of recent opportunities, he’s got a few of them. With the national team, the last chance so far was only announced in November, when he was nominated for the elite selection for the first time after a break of more than a year. Such was the case at Borussia Dortmund in the summer when it became clear that the attacking player would enter his third season in black and yellow. The 25-year-old has had many recent chances because he has huge potential and can do things on the ball that few others can do. BUT: There were only so many chances that Brandt hadn’t used any of it in the long run.

Julian Brandt’s performance is choppy

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Auch beim BVB sitzt Brandt meistens auf der Bank

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