Kevin Danso and RC Lens in the second round of the Coupe de France!

The current ninth table in the French Ligue 1 eliminated the French defending champion OSC Lille in the fourth round 6-5 on penalties. After normal playing time the score is 2:2.

The match starts with anything but good for Lens, who fell 2-0 in the first half thanks to two goals from Onana (28, 33).

However, the hosts do not leave their heads hanging and thanks to Fofana (67, 95), who scored both goals for Lens, they made their way to the penalty shootout. In this, the double goal scorer finally turns into a great champion by making use of the crucial penalty kick to make it 4:3.

Kevin Danso does not face penalty kicks on the field, he is replaced in the 75th minute.

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