Anna Maria Ferchichi (40 years old) is tired of lip fillers. Since giving birth to her triplets in November last year, Bushido’s wife, 43, has allowed her fans to participate in her daily life as a mother of eight. But one of her followers noticed a change in her – her lips look different. how I am Maria Then she explained that she said goodbye to her lip fillers.
After the 40-year-old posed for a picture of her and her husband going about their evening work at their home. Instagramstory, one of her followers wanted to know what happened in her mouth. I underwent an operation to remove the old lip fillers., explained the mother of three children. She no longer likes the shape of her lips with fillers. She shared with her fans: “So, girls remember: something like this is done quickly, but if at some point you don’t like the look, it’s an uncomfortable way to come back.”
However, the path back to pre-pregnancy form seems easier for the mother of eight. Posted in early February I am Maria A shot of her midsection, she barely realized she was pregnant with three children just months ago. “I was so impatient with my body after this birth – yet it surprised me again and made me proud”cheered her up Instagram-a story.
Instagram / anna_maria_ferchichi
Instagram / anna_maria_ferchichi
Instagram / anna_maria_ferchichi
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