Oscar-winning American actress Cuba Gooding Jr. has pleaded guilty to sexually molesting a woman. His lawyer, Frank Rothman, told Agence France-Presse, Wednesday, that the well-known actor in the movie “Jerry Maguire” admitted to kissing a waitress without her consent. “All other allegations” against Gooding have been dropped.
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Gooding has faced allegations of abuse for years. More than 20 women have said that the Hollywood star touched them or touched them against their will. Three of them have filed criminal charges.
Rothman said that in one of the three cases, Gooding pleaded guilty. “If he remains fit, this charge will be withdrawn within six months and he will eventually have no criminal record,” the lawyer said of his client.
The 54-year-old actor became known to a wide audience with the movie “Boyz n the Hood” in 1991. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the Hollywood movie “Jerry Maguire”. (AFP)